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Shakespearean Terms.

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Presentation on theme: "Shakespearean Terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shakespearean Terms

2 Antagonist Definition a character who opposes the main character

3 Aside Definition in drama, a sort of speech spoken by a character in an undertone, or directly, to the audience. It is not meant to be heard by the other characters on stage but only by the audience

4 Climax Definition the highest point of rising action in a literary work

5 Couplet Definition two successive lines of rhyming poetry

6 Dialogue Definition conversation between two or more characters in a literary work

7 Drama Definition literary form designed for the theater, in which actors impersonate characters and perform the action and dialogue

8 Epilogue Definition closing section of a literary work that provides further comment, interpretation, or information

9 Figurative Definition the implied meaning of a word or action

10 Foot (metrical) Definition the combination of stressed and unstressed syllables which make up the rhythmic unit of a line of poetry

11 Free verse Definition verse written without a regular meter or rhyme

12 Iamb Definition a metrical foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by stressed syllable

13 Foreshadowing Definition the use of hints or clues in a narrative to suggest what action is to come, used to create and build suspense

14 Soliloquy Definition a speech given by a character alone on stage or apart from the other characters. It is used to summarize actions, foreshadow events, reveal thoughts (or emotions), and clarify emotions. The other characters do not hear what the character is saying

15 Monologue Definition an extended speech given by one character. The other characters are aware of what is being said

16 Protagonist Definition the main character of a story

17 Comic Relief Definition a humorous scene, remarks or comments occurring in the middle of a tragic scene. It is deliberately added to relieve stress or emotion

18 Pun Definition the use of a word to suggest two, or more, meanings at one time

19 Tragedy Definition a drama, in which the protagonist suffers disaster but, in doing so, retains heroic stature

20 Tragic Hero Definition a person of nobility who has a tragic flaw or weakness that leads directly to his downfall

21 Tragic Flaw Definition a flaw that leads directly to a character’s downfall (ie: lust for power, indecision, or jealousy)

22 Sonnet Definition a poem of 14 lines written in iambic pentameter

23 Iambic Pentameter Definition a line of poetry having five iambs

24 Meter Definition poetic measure referring to stressed and unstressed syllables

25 Rhyme Scheme Definition the pattern of rhymes used in a poem, usually marked by letters to indicate corresponding rhyme

26 Quatrain Definition each four line segment of a sonnet

27 Play-Within-a-Play Definition secondary performances mimic several other dramatic forms, including masques, pantomimes, comedies, tragedies. They typically serve to comment on the action or to develop the plot.

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