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Responsibilities of a Sports Leader

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1 Responsibilities of a Sports Leader
BTEC Level 2 Responsibilities of a Sports Leader

2 Lesson Outcomes To describe the responsibilities associated with sports leadership To use examples to explain and evaluate successful sports leaders

3 Definitions to help with today's session

4 Responsibilities of a Sports Leader Quiz

5 Responsibilities of a Sports Leader
There are a number of responsibilities associated with sport leadership that you may have come up with. Responsibilities of a sports leader include: Professional Conduct Health and Safety Insurance Child Protection Legal Obligations Equality Rules and Regulations Ethics and Values

6 Responsibilities of a Sports Leader
Professional Conduct Insurance Child Protection Legal Obligations Equality Rules and Regulations Health and Safety Ethics and Values

7 The Responsibility of Professional Conduct
Professional Conduct refers to the way that sports leaders behave when they lead sport activity sessions. There is an expectation of the way that sport leaders should behave. Sport leaders should ensure that they conduct themselves in a professional and appropriate manner at all times. Sport Leaders should always: Behave responsibly and safely Promote the values of sport e.g. fair play and commitment Provide positive experiences of sport participation Respect everyone involves

8 Professional Conduct

9 The Responsibility of Insurance
Sports Leaders must be insured in order to lead sport activity sessions. When leading these sessions the sports leader is responsible for the safety of the participants whilst in their care. The sports leader is liable for the safety of participants during a sport activity session. If a participant has an accident during the session and it is deemed to be the sports leaders fault, then the sports leader could be found negligent.

10 Word Quiz

11 The Responsibility of Legal Obligations

12 The Responsibility of Child Protection
It is very important that children are given a safe and secure environment in which to participate in physical activity and sport sessions. The Children’s Act (2004) requires that all place providing a service to children must: Provide care, planned and supervised activities for children Regularly monitor and review the services that they provide Employ staff with appropriate CRB checks Be appropriately licensed to provide certain activities. The Children’s Act (2004) provides a framework for services working with children and young people.

13 The Responsibility of Equality
Equality means that everyone is equal. Each participant should be treated the same and given the same opportunities in a sport activity session. Sports Leaders will work with a wide range of participants. These participants will come from different backgrounds, have different cultures, be different ages, be of different abilities and be of different genders. Whatever the different may be, the sports leader should treat every participant with the same dignity and respect.

14 The Responsibility of Rules and Regulations
When leading sport sessions the sports leader should teach their participants the rules and regulations of the specific sport. For example, the sports leader should teach the participants how to make a fair, legal tackle in the sport. This helps to protect the participants involved. Participants should be taught to respect their opponents and the officials. They should know the consequences of breaking the rules. For example, knowing that a handball is illegal in football and will result in a free kick or penalty.

15 The Responsibility of Ethics and Values
A sports leader should encourage the participants to be honest, fair and responsible. The following principles should be encouraged and promoted within every session: Friendship - Equal Opportunities Respect for others - Fair Play Playing with the right spirit - Teamwork and Effort

16 Responsibilities Quiz

17 Evaluation Being an effective sports leader involves fulfilling a number of different roles and responsibilities. Responsibilities include professional conduct, health and safety, insurance, child protection, legal obligations, equality, rules and regulations, ethics and values. Good sports leaders will have a good understanding of their responsibilities and will fulfil them effectively each time they lead a sport activity session. Next session we will look at the skills and qualities of effective sport leaders.

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