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Traditional & social media

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1 Traditional & social media
Why EVOLUTION MATTERS BCOM 25: Professionalism in social media

What differences, if any, do you see between traditional media and social networking?

3 WHAT Is meant by MEDIA? Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes: broadcasting and narrowcasting medium newspapers, magazines TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax internet. Data storage material divided into three broad categories according to the recording method: magnetic, such as diskettes, disks, tapes, optical, such as microfiche, magneto-optical, such as CDs and DVDs.

4 TRADITIONAL MEDIA One-to-many paradigm
A message is transmitted to the masses through broadcast, print, radio, or signage. One-way communication system that does not create or enable engagement (word of mouth) The industries with a negative rate growth include newspaper, print and wired communication systems. Bureau of Labor Statistics An “About Me” Approach

5 We are more likely to try it when another person has endorsed it!
Social MEDIA A two-way communication system Recommendations from friends in the form of re-shares and recommended posts, which de- commercializes the brand message Brand messages no longer carry the “SHINE” of the brand, but reflect the endorsement of your friends We are more likely to try it when another person has endorsed it! An “About You, the user” approach

“If you’re old enough to remember when you used to go to the store to rent videos, you likely experienced de-commercialization. How did you choose which video you were going to rent? A recommendation from a friend? Reviews? A perfect stranger walking up behind you and recommending something? “If you’re old enough to remember when you used to go to the store to rent videos, you likely experienced de-commercialization. Remember, you’d wander aimlessly through the wall of new releases looking for something to rent. Someone (often a perfect stranger) would walk up behind you and recommend one of the titles. Now, even through you might not know the person, you give their recommendation serious consideration because you value their opinion a lot more than the movie studio or some professional reviewer.” -- author

7 Evolving power of the endorsement
Traditional media Social media Products Commercials, magazine spreads Politics Newspaper, TV coverage, ads, door to door People and information Interviews, movies, CNN, Encyclopedia Britanica Products Periscope, YouTube, Twitter Politics Facebook, , blogs, FlipBoard, Redit People and information Facebook, linked in, infographics, Wikepedia, Google Traditional Media was effective for its time and use. PROBLEM? Users are no longer reading papers and magazines (BLS) Users are connected to devices. Business rely on devices (think about submitting an application on-line without even having to walk into the business you were applying to work for

8 Media approaches: traditional vs. social
Polished content Actors / celebrities Pre-produced Passive involvement Paid platform Closed system Authentic content Users / influencers Real time creation Active involvement Free platform Open system Traditional: Polished – pre-scripted and very targeted with no room for change Actors/ Celebrities – people who act for a job or who are paid to say exactly what’s scripted Pre-produced – already prepared. Direction is set Passive involvement – besides absorbing the prepackaged message, you don’t have to do much Paid Platform – the people paying get to dictate who has access to the message Closed system Social: Authentic – “real” experiences at any given time, not a preselected time Users are the influencers with no script but real life experiences Real time concern – what’s the attitude of the moment? Active involvement – the message is created by the users not just absorbed Free platform – anyone can contribute, not just the owners Open System – no exclusions Social Media changes the game -

9 Your turn to “Chime In” Write a response for each of the questions below. Your paragraphs should be at least 4 sentences long and include correct grammar and well thought out responses. What are the main differences between traditional media and social networking media? Describe how social media is used to market products and people Has traditional media become ineffective? Why?

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