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Employee Tuition Waiver Benefit

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1 Employee Tuition Waiver Benefit

2 Agenda UIS Policy Eligibility Employee Tuition Benefits
Child Attending UIS Child Attending Another University Questions

3 Frequently Asked Questions
How many years of service is required so as my child can attend a State University for 50% of the cost? Years Can spouses and retirees use the waiver? - Retirees yes, spouses no What is covered by the waiver? - Credits based on semester, all fees (except student insurance and S-T-S grant) How many classes can I take a semester? - Based on Employment %

4 Policy Must meet eligibility requirements for the University you are attending. Employees who leave UIS lose eligibility to complete course unless you have been employed for 91 days of service.

5 Who is Eligible? Civil Service Employees - 50% or greater
Academic Professional & Faculty - 25% or greater for ¾ of term - Summer term – must work for at least 25% Retired Employees Children of Employees - Natural, Adopted or Step-Child - Under age 25

6 Civil Service

7 Civil Service Employees
Eligibility to attend the following State Universities:- - Chicago State University - Eastern Illinois University - Governors State University - Illinois State University - Northeastern Illinois University - Northern Illinois University - Southern Illinois University - University of Illinois - Western Illinois University

8 All waivers reduced to 50% of credit hours
How Many Hours? Spring & Fall Full-time (100%) 11 credit hours per semester Part-time (50%-99%) 5 credit hours per semester Summer All waivers reduced to 50% of credit hours

9 Limits at other State Universities
Full-time (100%) 6 credit hours per semester Part-time (75%-99%) 4 credit hours per semester Part-time (50%-74%) 3 credit hours per semester

10 Academic Professional Faculty Retirees

11 AP, Faculty or Retiree All retired employees and current AP and faculty employees with 25% appointment or more for at least ¾ of a term Waiver available at UIC, UIS or UIUC No set limit on credit hours Professors, associate professors & assistant professors may not be admitted to candidacy for an advanced degree in that department or division

12 Application Procedure
Enroll in the course(s) Complete and submit the online Tuition Waiver Application HR will notify Financial Aid at the Springfield campus or the HR office of the University campus you plan to attend

13 Where is the Waiver? Nessie
Life Events Education

14 Child of Employee

15 Policy Covers 50% of tuition excluding fees & books
Includes up to four years of education (each year consisting of 2 semesters and a summer term) Undergraduate education Tuition Waiver Benefit Utilization Record must be completed

16 Eligibility Current active employee with 50% time or more as of first day of academic term (includes approved leaves) Minimum years of service – 7 at one or more Illinois senior public universities Employee SURS eligible Natural, adopted or stepchild Under 25 at beginning of academic year

17 Forms Child of Employee Tuition Waiver Application
- Tuition Waiver Benefit Utilization Record Contact

18 Employee Responsibilities
Make sure the waiver will be accepted. For example, the Masters level HR online program at the Champaign Campus won’t accept the waiver, because they are self supported. Adjunct Faculty – make sure you are SURS Eligible. Make sure your classes are not advanced degree in your department or division. Books are paid for your own. You can get a 10% discount at our Bookstore. Check your bills often!! Ensure you do your Student Insurance Waiver if you’re taking on-campus classes!

19 Common Mistakes Exceeding the allotment of credits in a semester
You pay any overages Attempting to use waiver after the semester has ended You will NOT be eligible for a tuition waiver submitted after the end of the semester No retroactive application of waivers Make sure you do your student insurance waiver We know you have insurance through work but the student insurance fee is automatic and so you must manually opt out Yes, even you 1/1/2019

20 Questions??

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