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Accessing the Internet

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1 Accessing the Internet

2 Your Device Your device can connect to the internet two ways Wi-Fi Ethernet Even from home your device blocks certain sites just as it does at school.

3 Connecting with Ethernet
At home you can connect your device to the internet using an Ethernet cord. They are usually blue Plug the cord into the port with this symbol.

4 Connecting to Wi-Fi To connect to the internet using Wi-Fi, select the network icon from the bottom right toolbar. Choose the name of the network you wish to connect to. You may need to enter a password

5 Free Wi-Fi You can take your device to the many businesses and connect to Wi-Fi for free. You can take your device to the library and connect to BCPS wireless network.

6 Web Filter The filter built into your device will block certain sites in school, at home, and anywhere else you access the Internet (library, McDonald’s, etc.). For example, social media sites like Facebook will be blocked. Google searches will be filtered to show only appropriate content. You may not try and access sites that are blocked by the filter; that is a violation of the Student Acceptable Use Policy. If you see an inappropriate site not blocked by the filter, you must report it to your teacher.

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