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Welcome! December 14th, 2017 Thursday

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1 Welcome! December 14th, 2017 Thursday
Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Thursday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find the errors in the post. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you 

2 Correct the spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors in the following social media post.
@SocialMediaSlipUps © Presto Plans

3 every time: Every time should be written as two separate words.
white, I: A comma is used to set off introductory elements. ridiculous: Ridiculous was misspelled. myself. Today, it: A period is added as these are two distinct sentences. A comma is added after the word today as it is an introductory element. meatball: Meatball was misspelled wearing: This is an error in verb tense. The correct usage is wearing (present tense). every day: Everyday is an adjective that means commonplace or normal. Every day means each day. Murphy’s Law which states that: Murphy’s Law is a proper noun and should be capitalized. The sentence also requires another verb added for clarity (states). wrong, will: A comma is added here to set off introductory elements. © Presto Plans

4 Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men
Film Recap! Remember to keep an eye out for: Character’s fates – did they control their destinies, or were they determined by outside forces? Character’s motives – Are all actions motivated by instinct/a will to survive, or do they act against their own interests at any point? Author/Director’s Intentions – does the author want to change how we view “unheard” people (the disabled or the impoverished)? Or does the author imply there’s nothing we can do for these people (that they’re doomed to their fates)?

5 Of Mice and Men: Short Essay
Now that you’ve decided (or almost decided) which movement Of Mice and Men fits best, your job is to convince me that your view is correct. In a short essay (about 2 paragraphs) tell me: Does Of Mice and Men portray Realism or Naturalism more? Why? Support your response by discussing two major difference between Realism and Naturalism and analyzing how they play out in the film. Use at least four specific moments (two for each difference) from the film to support your response.

6 Final Overview! Layout: Open Note
Our Notes This Year… Native American Lit: Pre-Colonization Myths and Folklore Native American Lit: Post-Colonization The Puritans: Literature and Historical Context Puritan Writing Style/Genres Age of Enlightenment/Rationalism Rhetorical Devices Notes Romanticism Transcendentalism Dark Romanticism: The American Gothics Realism Naturalism Cinematic Techniques Final Overview! Layout: 20 Multiple Choice (1 pt each) 3 Short Answer (16 points total) 1 Short Essay (14 points total) 50 points total, 20% of your grade Open Note Friday is the last day I can accept late work

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