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Title Slide ( Your name)

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Presentation on theme: "Title Slide ( Your name)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Slide ( Your name)

2 Powerpoint Presentations
The presentation should have a fundamental structure underpinning your art subject by including an introduction with aims & objectives along with a main body of information including a summary & conclusion. The information should be clear, concise & factual. Make it visually stimulating with good quality images. Preferably bullet points, not too much information, avoid animations that distract the viewer. Face the audience and try not to turn your back, project your voice so people can hear clearly.

3 Introduction; Career Profile/Biography Place of birth
Personal background & history Where have you studied Achievements/Awards Apprenticeships /Artists you have studied with

4 Artists Statement Your Vision as an Artist Methods & Materials/Genre
What I you trying to achieve? Influences/Artists that have effected your practice

5 Curriculum Vitae Name Education Experience Awards Solo Exhibitions
Group Exhibitions

6 Paintings & Drawings Title: Media: Year:
Dimensions: inches or centremetres

7 Paintings & Drawings Assignment: Power Point Presentation
Deadline: Presentations start Nov 7-11 Minimum of a 3-5 minute presentation Content: Splash Page with details An Introduction about you: Genre of work Artist Statement 5 clear images of your artwork (jpegs) with title-medium-size Printed Hardcopy to be handed in with front cover Paintings & Drawings

8 Summary Explain briefly a synopsis your art practice and what you hope to achieve in the near future Conclude your presentation by thanking the audience for their attention Ask the Audience if there are any questions they wish to ask

9 End- Quotation from an artist

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