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Life What is it?.

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Presentation on theme: "Life What is it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life What is it?

2 Life on Mars Scientists have been contemplating finding and establishing life on Mars Our task: What is life?

3 Look through pages 6-10 and answer the following
If an alien life form is discovered, how can you determine if it is alive? When establishing life on Mars what will need to be considered?

4 Class Answers If an alien life form is discovered, how can you determine if it is alive?

5 Characteristics of Life
Organism is made of cells Organism is organized Cellstissuesorgansorgan systemsorganism

6 Characteristics of Life
Reproduction – make more of own kind Growth and development – changes throughout life in size and structure

7 Characteristics of Life
Homeostasis – maintain a stable internal environment Adaptation – evolve changes according to the environment

8 Characteristics of Life
Respond to stimuli – immediate reaction Use energy – movement, getting food, respiration, transport, growth

9 References urvivorLogo.JPG&imgrefurl= ml&h=293&w=432&sz=53&hl=en&start=10&usg=__OOJCEw_ZRiuVVjw6sehwmcAWO2Y =&tbnid=PIGT9BYBoUUZMM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=126&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsurvivor%26 gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den _1024_768.jpg 376.jpg

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