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Australian sport: The Pathway to Success ASC Briefing 2 July 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Australian sport: The Pathway to Success ASC Briefing 2 July 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australian sport: The Pathway to Success ASC Briefing 2 July 2010

2 Agenda Introduction (Greg) Overview of Assessment Process (Andrew) Timelines (Andrew) High Performance Bid Template & Planning Expectations (Peter) Questions Sport Participation Bid Template & Planning Expectations (Nadine) Questions

3 Australian sport: The Pathway to Success Increasing participation in sport Strengthening sporting pathways Striving for success Whole of sport approach

4 Key reform package components Strengthening sporting pathways Support for volunteers, coaches and officials National Sport Volunteer Strategy NSO funding for Coaching and Officiating Development Managers Additional coaching and officiating training for community C&Os Talent identification and development Expand and enhance NTID NSOs employing TID staff Boosting development pathway Local Sporting Champions Emerging athlete funding Strengthen national level competitions Athlete contribution AIS athlete volunteer scheme

5 Key reform package components Striving for success Boosting international competition Funding to NSOs for international competition Supporting and retaining high performance coaches and officials Support for retention of national coaches Access to expert technical staff More funds for coaches and officials to access training Investing in high performance athletes Increased funding for top 3 and top 10 athletes. Reforming Australias high performance delivery system AIS/SIS/SAS Alignment Boost research and innovation More funds for applied research Increased sports science support for athletes

6 May – Jun 2010 Jul – Sep 2010 Oct – Dec 2010 2010 Roadmap – ASC Strategies and NSO Planning and Funding Development of key national strategies: Sport and Education Volunteers in sport Sport and Social Inclusion Development of key national strategies: Sport and Education Volunteers in sport Sport and Social Inclusion NSO funding assessments Confirm NSO planning requirements NSO Sports Development plans incorporating participation by 30/12 NSO Strategic Plans by 30/9 (TBC) NSO High Performance Plans 30/9 System leadership strategies

7 ASCs new collaborative planning approach Strategic Sports Plans NSO ASCSDSRs and SISs

8 ASCNSO SDSRSSO local govt clubs AIS SIS RAS Aligning the system ASC is leading the strengthening of alignment and collaboration by joint SIS/SASs and AIS engagement with the NSO on high performance planning Collaborative Partnership Agreement / SRMC reform* National Athlete Support Scheme Key elements AIS reforms

9 INCREASING PARTICIPATION ASCSDSRs AASC Sport and Education, Volunteers, Social Inclusion NSOs SSOs Private providers Health promotion bodies eg. VicHealth Other sport providers $$ new $ conditionality mm Strengthen relationships and alignment mm collaboration for complementarity Clubs

10 Benefits to Sport Secure increased funding base with rolling 4 year funding envelopes –provides surety for sports moving forward and allows them to plan with confidence –sports now have a more secure platform to grow their capacity and sustainability Strengthened sporting pathways Stronger NSOs –increased organisational capacity to deliver

11 Benefits to sport Increased opportunities for aspiring emerging athletes through increased investment in TID and Local Sporting Champions program Increased funding for athletes and coaches –coach attraction and retention –athletes not distracted Better aligned high performance program –AIS and State and Territory Institutes of Sport collaborating and with improved coordination of program delivery

12 Concluding thoughts 1.We have been given the opportunity to lead an exciting reform agenda for Australian sport – lets take it 2.We will encounter some significant challenges going forward- that is the nature of reform and particularly reform involving intergovernmental relations 3.We will need to pay close attention to change management issues and grow our capability in new areas 4.We will need to carefully balance the imperatives of timeliness and getting it right (process and content)

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