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Growing Coaches Programme
Whakapakari kaiako taiohi
Why Coach? The first Questions I asked after the Workshop was why I coach and how did I start? Love of my Sports Interested and supportive school Coaching staff Club Youth Coaching programme Regional and National Coaching Staff Professional role at Schools In essence I coach because I love the game and have a passion to develop young players to share in that love. Even to this day I have a desire to improve as a coach and deliver the best I can to players I come into contact with, whether school students or HP Athletes Paul Smith (NHHA HP Coach/Director of Avondale College Sports Academy
"Good leaders surround themselves with good people"
Coach Education at Avondale College
A Coach leadership Education Programme delivered through PE, Sports Academy and Sport bridging the perceived gap that exists Coaching School Teams filling the gap left by lack of staffing Preparing and organising Sporting events at the College Working closely with our contributing Primary and Intermediate Schools
The Vision “Leadership is a privilege and a Service to others”
This initiative led by Sport New Zealand, facilitated by ourselves and supported by Sport Waitakere will encourage student empowerment and leadership through Sport Many of our Year 9 Sports Academy students have already demonstrated and been given the opportunity to lead within their Primary and Intermediate Schools. It is vital that we nurture these abilities from the onset and develop these young people into the Leaders of the Sports Academy and Sport at Avondale College. We already do this through the programme but both the Growing Leaders and Growing Coaches Programmes give a contextual plan of implementation and delivery with resource support. All the Coaching Staff in the Sports Academy have similar philosophies on developing the individual and Life skills, the vehicle being their Sport. As such it is the ideal model to deliver the programme through. There is no doubt that the advantages are that Avondale College will benefit from the programme by enhancing the students Leadership potential, creating a greater pool of talented leaders to promote and help deliver Sport at the College. The possibilities are endless from organising Sporting events within the school, Lunchtime activities, Workshops at our Feeder Primary and Intermediate Schools as well as coaching our Junior Sports programme. The Aim of the Growing Leaders programme in Year 9 Sports Academy is to grow their leadership potential, exploring, discovering and navigating Leadership by experiential opportunities. They will explore themselves, building a foundation to lead others through Sport. In Year 10 we will facilitate the Growing Coaches programme where the Coaching experiences enhance the Leadership development. They will understand that Coaching includes Learning, programme and session planning and progression as well as constant evaluation. They will realise that these Leadership qualities and coaching skills are transferable into Life Skills.
The Philosophy and Objectives of Growing Coaches at Avondale College
Essentially the purpose of the programme is to promote young peoples’ LIFE SKILLS through Sport and Coaching to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences to manage effectively their REAL LIFE ISSUES. The programme creates an environment to enable individuals to improve their personal and social skills, build self-esteem and confidence, inspiring them to set measurable, achievable, realistic goals Growing Coaches provides a platform for the development of young coaches at Avondale College
Possible Pathways for growing Coaches at Avondale COLLEGE – the Academy
The Sports Academy and growing coaches
To Identify and develop leadership potential in Junior Sports Academy To select potential students for growing Coaches Programme To encourage and nurture Growing Coaches philosophy To provide the platform to facilitate student growth through Coaching To instigate and develop closer links with primary and Intermediate Schools To utilise resources and expertise from external organisations To enable Senior Sports Academy students to be confident an effective youth Coaches both within the school environment and externally
The context Connecting the school sports programme with PE/Sports Academy Linking Sports Coaching with the NZ Curriculum and offering NCEA Credits Developing the Sports Academy Pathway through Senior Sports Advantage Growth of Sport/PE Leaders in the school Assistant Coaches/Coaches for Junior Sports Programme Support from RSO and NSO
Development pathway through Sports Academy
Year 9 Sports Academy – Sport New Zealand Growing Leaders Programme Year 10 Sports Academy (10SPC) Already get Credits in 1.9 – Self Management Strategies Perhaps 1.8? Or develop/Identify students for Growing Coaches Programme Year 11 Level 1: Sports Advantage programme – a dedicated Sports Academy Pathway through NCEA ( + Identified and selected PE Students) Assistant Coaches for School Junior Sports Teams Year 12 and 13 Level 2/3: Students to lead Sports at the College, Coach Junior/Senior Teams
Growing Leaders and Coaches at Avondale College
Year 9 Sports Academy Promote and encourage leadership through growing leader’s workshops Encourage and Develop potential leadership Qualities Identify students through workshops, opportunities (within school and externally) that demonstrate leadership potential Select those students from 6 codes who are capable and have desire to move onto the Growing Coaches programme in 10 SPC 10SPC Growing Coaches Workshops at beginning of 2013 (Sports Waitakere) Utilise the 10SPC Theory lessons (x 2 hours per fortnight) to develop the underpinning Coaching theory and complete NCEA Credits in 1.5 or 1.8, already doing 1.9 SMS Offer Coaching workshops/observation opportunities through the Year 9 Academy sessions 15 hrs. Coaching through 9SA, Junior Sports Team Assistant Coaching roles, Intermediate and primary school Coaching Clinics Potentially run Intermediate Tournaments here (Football was a success) or indeed Holiday Sports Coaching Clinics (before term 2 or Term 3) PE Sports Advantage pathway Already Dedicated SA Classes (+ others who show potential) Make sure there are opportunities to complete NCEA Credits in relevant Achievement standards Encourage/Assign Year 11/12 students capable of either leading a Junior Team or Assisting a Coach Students encouraged promoting Sports participation in a variety of programmes (8Mates) and organising internal events such as Athletics day, Lunchtime activities, cross Country etc.
2013 Sports New Zealand Growing Coaches Programme Avondale College Sports Academy Delivery Proposals
Year 9 Sports Academy - Sport New Zealand Growing Leaders programme Term 1 Week Delivery Context Growing Leaders programme 1-11 8 hours utilising 9 SA Sessions or parts of sessions 9 SA Sessions Discover Term 4 Week Delivery Context Growing Leaders programme 1-10 8 Hours through Leadership tasks in 9 SA 9 SA Sessions Navigate
Year 10 Sports Academy – Sports New Zealand Growing Coaches
Term 1 Week Delivery Context Workshop 1 What is Coaching? Workshop 1 and 2 delivered before the School Term begins as a Workshop Day 30th January Paul Smith Neil Sykes Nazeem Smith Workshops 3 and 4 Following the prescribed Class based programme before school x 2 sessions -11th and 25th February Utilising SA Year 9 sessions and Coaching Staff The Students will also have an opportunity through Practical session to observe and evaluate Coaching based on Sports Specific Coaches delivery Initial Coaching experience can be gained in small group activities as well as engagement in 9 SA Workshop 2 Designing great Coaching sessions Workshop 3 Games Approach 3 Workshop 4 Coach Leadership Sports Specific Sessions 5 6-9 Term 2 Week Delivery Context possibilities Coaching Experience 1-3 Planning a Team Coaching programme Internal Junior Teams assistant Coaches if premier Level Player 4-10 Implementation of programme Intermediate School Team Coach Term 3 1-6 Junior Club Coach Coaching Experience Assessment 7-10 Plenary Evaluation Year 9 Sports Academy programme All this will be achieved under the guidance of the Sports Academy Coaching Staff Term 4 Week Delivery Context Evaluation and Completion 1 - 3 9SA Coaching 4 Junior Examinations + Sports Academy Trials (Year 8) 6-10 Coach Leadership Opportunities Potential for a Holiday Coaching Programme run at AC for Year 6 to 8 Students covering our Sports Codes ? TBA by smp Organising and Delivering SA Sports Code tournaments Lunchtime Activity Sessions Intermediate School Coaching Workshops and Leadership Identification and Selection 8-10 SA /Sports Staff Assign Junior Teams for 2014
Programme Implementation and Delivery
Who are our Growing Coaches? Sports Academy Nominations from 6 Sports Codes in current Year 9SA and 10SPC Approximately Students Attend an Introductory Seminar on the Growing Coaches programme Term 4
Phase 1: Programme introduction
Selected students will attend a Growing Coaches Seminar introducing the Sport NZ initiative They will be introduced to the philosophy behind it for Avondale College They will understand the long term benefits for Sport, Avondale College and themselves by participating in the programme. PHASE 2: WORKSHOP DELIVERY Workshop 1 and 2 will be delivered on Wednesday 30th January before the start of the school year Workshops 3 and 4 will take place as stand alone morning sessions on Monday 11th and 25th February
Phase 3: Sports specific coaching
These will take place in Term 1 and 2 during Year 9 Sports Academy Sessions in the mornings The students will have access to facilities, equipment and expert Coaches I want these students to be mainly focussed on their Sports Performance in Term 2 and 3 Phase 4: THE COACHING EXPERIENCE Again this will be achieved mainly through delivering Coaching sessions in the Year 9 Sports Academy There will be additional Opportunities to Coach/ assist in the Junior Sports Programme during Term 2 In Term 4 the students will Coach at the Sports Academy Trials and at local Primary and Intermediate schools with potential for a holiday Coaching Programme run by ACSA (between Term 3 and 4)
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