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Quantum Foundations Lecture 22

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1 Quantum Foundations Lecture 22
April 25, 2018 Dr. Matthew Leifer HSC112

2 Announcements Assignments: Final Version due May 2.
Homework 4 due April 30.

3 Conditional Independence
Two random variables, 𝐴 and 𝐡 are independent, denoted 𝐴βŠ₯𝐡 if 𝑃 𝐴,𝐡 =𝑃 𝐴 𝑃(𝐡) The conditional probability of 𝐡 given 𝐴 is 𝑃 𝐡 𝐴 = 𝑃(𝐴,𝐡) 𝑃(𝐴) Independence can equivalently be written as 𝑃 𝐡 𝐴 =𝑃(𝐡) or 𝑃 𝐴 𝐡 =𝑃(𝐴) Two random variables, 𝐴 and 𝐡 are conditionally independent given 𝐢, denoted 𝐴βŠ₯𝐡|𝐢 if any of the following three equivalent conditions holds 𝑃 𝐴 𝐡,𝐢 =𝑃 𝐴 𝐢 𝑃 𝐡 𝐴,𝐢 =𝑃 𝐡 𝐢 𝑃 𝐴,𝐡 𝐢 =𝑃 𝐴 𝐢 𝑃(𝐡|𝐢)

4 Reichenbach’s Principle
Scientific realists usually think that correlations need to have causes. Reichenbach’s principle encapsulates how this is supposed to work. If 𝐴 and 𝐡 are correlated 𝑃 𝐴,𝐡 ≠𝑃 𝐴 𝑃(𝐡) then either: 𝐴 is the cause of 𝐡 𝐡 is the cause of 𝐴 There is a common cause 𝐢 for both 𝐴 and 𝐡, and 𝐴βŠ₯𝐡|𝐢 𝑃 𝐴,𝐡 𝐢 =𝑃 𝐴 𝐢 𝑃(𝐡|𝐢)

5 The Markov Condition Reichenbach’s principle can be formulated in the language of Causal (Bayesian) Networks. 𝑃 𝐴,𝐡,𝐹 =𝑃 𝐴 𝐡,𝐹 𝑃 𝐡 𝑃(𝐹) 𝐴=0 No alarm 𝐴=1 Alarm sounding 𝐡=0 No burglar in house 𝐡=1 Burglar in house 𝐹=0 No fire in house 𝐹=1 Fire in house

6 The Markov Condition We draw a directed acyclic graph:
The vertices are the random variables. We draw an edge from 𝐴 to 𝐡 if 𝐴 is a direct cause of 𝐡. The probabilities factor according to the Markov Condition 𝑃 𝑋 1 , 𝑋 2 ,β‹―, 𝑋 𝑛 =𝑃( 𝑋 𝑛 |pa( 𝑋 𝑛 ))⋯𝑃( 𝑋 2 |pa( 𝑋 2 ))𝑃( 𝑋 1 |pa( 𝑋 1 )) where pa 𝑋 denotes the parents of 𝑋 in the graph.

7 Another Example 𝑃 𝐴,𝐡,𝐢,𝐷,𝐸 =𝑃 𝐸 𝐢 𝑃 𝐷 𝐡,𝐢 𝑃 𝐢 𝐴 𝑃 𝐡 𝐴 𝑃(𝐴)

8 Application to Bell Experiments
Suppose Alice’s coin flip and answer happen at spacelike separation to Bob’s coin flip and answer. Since Alice and Bob’s wings of the experiment are spacelike separated, according to special relativity (𝑋,𝐴) cannot be direct causes of (π‘Œ,𝐡) and vice versa. Let πœ† be a complete description of the state of affairs in a region that screens off 𝑋,𝐴 from (π‘Œ,𝐡) Any lightlike path from (X,A) to (π‘Œ,𝐡) via the past must intersect the region. β‡’ Any common cause of (𝑋,𝐴) and (π‘Œ,𝐡) must be contained in πœ†.

9 Application to Bell Experiments
According to special Relativity, the possible causal relationships are: 𝑃 𝐴,𝐡,𝑋,π‘Œ,πœ† =𝑃 𝐡 π‘Œ,πœ† 𝑃 𝐴 𝑋,πœ† 𝑃 π‘Œ πœ† 𝑃 𝑋 πœ† 𝑃(πœ†)

10 Application to Bell Experiments
However, we normally assume that the coin flips 𝑋 and π‘Œ are freely chosen, independently from the system being measured. This leads to the measurement independence assumption 𝑋,π‘ŒβŠ₯πœ† 𝑃 𝑋,π‘Œ πœ† =𝑃(𝑋,π‘Œ) With this, we have 𝑃 𝐴,𝐡,𝑋,π‘Œ,πœ† =𝑃 𝐡 π‘Œ,πœ† 𝑃 𝐴 𝑋,πœ† 𝑃(π‘Œ)𝑃(𝑋)𝑃(πœ†)

11 Application to Bell Experiments
𝑃 𝐴,𝐡,𝑋,π‘Œ,πœ† =𝑃 𝐡 π‘Œ,πœ† 𝑃 𝐴 𝑋,πœ† 𝑃(π‘Œ)𝑃(𝑋)𝑃(πœ†) If we conditionalize on 𝑋,π‘Œ and πœ†, we get 𝑃 𝐴,𝐡 𝑋,π‘Œ,πœ† =𝑃 𝐡 π‘Œ,πœ† 𝑃(𝐴|𝑋,πœ†) This condition is known as local causality To reiterate, it follows from: The Markov condition (Reichenbach’s principle) The causal structure given by special relativity (spacelike separation) The assumption that 𝑋 and π‘Œ are chosen independently of the system being investigated.

12 Application to Bell Experiments
If we now compute the observed conditional probabilities, we will get 𝑃 𝐴,𝐡 𝑋,π‘Œ = πœ† 𝑃 𝐡 π‘Œ,πœ† 𝑃 𝐴 𝑋,πœ† 𝑃(πœ†) Let’s think about what this says in terms of the game we discussed last lecture. Alice and Bob get together to determine a joint strategy – call it πœ†. Based on πœ† and 𝑋, Alice flips a biased coin to determine 𝐴 with probability 𝑃(𝐴|𝑋,πœ†). Based on πœ† and π‘Œ, Bob flips a biased coin to determine 𝐡 with probability 𝑃(𝐡|π‘Œ,πœ†). But this is exactly the sort of strategy we showed must satisfy the CHSG inequality. The quantum violation therefore rules out a locally causal model.

13 Implications If you accept the Markov condition and measurement independence, then there must be a superluminal causal influence (nonlocality). For example: Your model violates relativity at the ontological level. We could instead reject the Markov condition: Correlations do not have to have causal explanations. This is appealing to anti-realists. We could modify the Markov condition: Causal explanations work differently in quantum theory. We could reject measurement independence: There is no free choice. Superdeterminism Retrocausality

14 Summary of Ontological Models
If our interpretation of quantum mechanics fits into the ontological models framework then it has to have a number of unappealing features: Excess baggage Contextuality πœ“-ontology Nonlocality Two options: Bite the bullet and adopt an interpretation that has these features, viewing the no-go theorems as justification for why we have to have these features (de Broglie-Bohm, Spontaneous Collapse theories). Go anti-realist or adopt a more exotic ontology that does not fit into the ontological models framework (Copenhagenish, many-worlds).

15 10) Interpretations of Quantum Theory
Continuous Variable Quantum Theory De Broglie-Bohm Theory Spontaneous Collapse Theories Everett/Many-Worlds Copenhagenish Interpretations

16 10.i) Continuous Variable Quantum Theory
De Broglie-Bohm and Spontaneous Collapse privilege the position representation of quantum theory, so we will have to quickly review how this works. There is a good reason for this: The world around us looks localized in position, i.e. we do not directly experience a chair that is in a superposition of two locations. If we add something to quantum theory that localizes objects in position space, we will be able to explain this and save the phenomena of ordinary experience. Some classical experiences do not seem to be directly related to position, e.g. the voltage in a circuit or my experience of color. However, the claim is that these can always be explained in terms of position, e.g. the position of a needle on a voltmeter or the positions of electrons in my synapses.

17 Position Recall that observables in quantum theory are Hermitian operators. Their eigenvalues are the possible values that can be obtained in a measurement. If we want position to be described in this way then we need a Hermitian operator with a continuum of eigenvalues and eigenvectors: π‘₯ = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ π‘₯|π‘₯⟩⟨π‘₯| Compare this to the discrete case 𝐴 = 𝑗 π‘Ž 𝑗 | πœ™ 𝑗 ⟩⟨ πœ™ 𝑗 |

18 Position In the discrete case, the eigenstates | πœ™ 𝑗 ⟩ form a complete orthonormal basis, so we can write any state as πœ“ = 𝑗 𝛼 𝑗 | πœ™ 𝑗 ⟩ We can recover the coefficients 𝛼 𝑗 via 𝛼 𝑗 =⟨ πœ™ 𝑗 |πœ“βŸ©. We want the position eigenstates to form a complete orthonormal basis, so that we can write a state as πœ“ = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ πœ“ π‘₯ |π‘₯⟩ where πœ“(π‘₯) is a function (called the wavefunction) that replaces 𝛼 𝑗 .

19 The Dirac 𝜹-Function We would like to preserve the formula πœ“ π‘₯ =⟨π‘₯|πœ“βŸ© which generalizes 𝛼 𝑗 =⟨ πœ™ 𝑗 |πœ“βŸ©. In order to do this, we need πœ“ π‘₯ = π‘₯ πœ“ = βˆ’βˆž +∞ d π‘₯ β€² πœ“ π‘₯ β€² π‘₯ π‘₯ β€² So we need the inner product ⟨π‘₯| π‘₯ β€² ⟩ to be a β€œfunction” π‘₯ π‘₯ β€² =𝛿( π‘₯ β€² βˆ’π‘₯) that behaves like: βˆ’βˆž +∞ d π‘₯ β€² πœ“ π‘₯ β€² 𝛿 π‘₯ β€² βˆ’π‘₯ =πœ“(π‘₯) The generalized function 𝛿( π‘₯ β€² βˆ’π‘₯) is called the Dirac 𝛿-function.

20 The Dirac 𝜹-function To recap, the Dirac 𝛿-function 𝛿(π‘₯) is defined by the property βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ 𝛿 π‘₯ 𝑓(π‘₯) =𝑓(0) for any function 𝑓(π‘₯). Roughly speaking, it takes the value ∞ at π‘₯=0 and is zero elsewhere. If we have the defining property, then by change of variables we will have βˆ’βˆž +∞ d π‘₯ β€² 𝑓 π‘₯ β€² 𝛿 π‘₯ β€² βˆ’π‘₯ =𝑓(π‘₯) as required.

21 Position Eigenstates The position eigenstates satisfy
π‘₯ π‘₯ β€² =𝛿( π‘₯ β€² βˆ’π‘₯) Compare this with the discrete case πœ™ 𝑗 πœ™ π‘˜ = 𝛿 π‘—π‘˜ The Dirac 𝛿( π‘₯ β€² βˆ’π‘₯) plays the same role as the Kronecker 𝛿 π‘—π‘˜ , but there is an important difference. 𝛿 𝑗𝑗 =1, so our orthonormal basis consists of unit vectors. 𝛿 0 =∞, so |π‘₯⟩ vectors are not normalized. They are unnormalizable. Still, we treat π‘₯ π‘₯ β€² =𝛿( π‘₯ β€² βˆ’π‘₯) as the correct condition for an orthonormal basis in the continuum case. We still have the convenient completeness relation 𝐼 = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ |π‘₯⟩⟨π‘₯|

22 Position Eigenstates and Probabilities
Note: The |π‘₯⟩ state is the eigenstate of the position operator π‘₯ with eigenvalue π‘₯, π‘₯ π‘₯ =π‘₯ π‘₯ We can take this as the defining property of π‘₯ . In the discrete case, πœ™ 𝑗 πœ“ 2 is the probability of obtaining value π‘Ž 𝑗 in a measurement of 𝐴 when the system is prepared in state |πœ“βŸ©. In the continuum, we have π‘₯ πœ“ 2 = πœ“ π‘₯ π‘₯ πœ“ = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯β€² βˆ’βˆž +∞ d π‘₯ β€²β€² πœ“ βˆ— (π‘₯β€²)⟨ π‘₯ β€² |π‘₯⟩⟨π‘₯| π‘₯ β€²β€² βŸ©πœ“( π‘₯ β€²β€² ) = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯β€² βˆ’βˆž +∞ d π‘₯ β€²β€² πœ“ βˆ— π‘₯ β€² 𝛿 π‘₯βˆ’ π‘₯ β€² 𝛿 π‘₯ β€²β€² βˆ’π‘₯ πœ“ π‘₯ β€²β€² = πœ“ βˆ— π‘₯ πœ“ π‘₯ = πœ“ π‘₯ 2

23 Position Eigenstates and Probabilities
Since we are dealing with the continuum, we have to interpret π‘₯ πœ“ 2 = πœ“ π‘₯ 2 as the probability density for finding the particle at π‘₯ in a position measurement. In other words Prob π‘Žβ‰€π‘₯≀𝑏 = π‘Ž 𝑏 dπ‘₯ πœ“ π‘₯ 2 In order to have this interpretation, we need πœ“ πœ“ = πœ“ 𝐼 πœ“ = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ πœ“ π‘₯ π‘₯ πœ“ = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ πœ“ βˆ— (π‘₯)πœ“(π‘₯) = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ πœ“ π‘₯ 2 =1 Physically realizable states must be normalized β‡’|π‘₯⟩ is not a realizable state.

24 Momentum We also want a Hermitian operator representing a particle’s momentum. We can proceed as with position and just define an operator 𝑝 = βˆ’βˆž +∞ d𝑝 𝑝|π‘βŸ©βŸ¨π‘| where |π‘βŸ© is a state of definite momentum 𝑝 and the eigenstates satisfy 𝑝 β€² 𝑝 =𝛿(π‘βˆ’π‘β€²) That works, but we need to know how the |π‘₯⟩ and |π‘βŸ© states are related to each other. For that, we actually have to do some physics.

25 Wave-Particle Duality
One of the founding ideas of quantum mechanics is that particles sometimes exhibit wave-like behavior and vice versa. The de Broglie hypothesis states that a free particle of momentum 𝑝 is associated with a plane wave of wave-number π‘˜ satisfying 𝑝=β„π‘˜ ℏ is a constant called Planck’s constant. In this course, we have been implicitly working in units such that ℏ=1, so we’ll use 𝑝=π‘˜. If the particle has energy 𝐸 then Planck’s hypothesis says that the wave has angular frequency πœ” satisfying 𝐸=β„πœ” or 𝐸=πœ” in our units.

26 Momentum In the Position Basis
The upshot is that we expect the wavefunction of a momentum state to be a plane wave, i.e. 𝑝 =𝐴 βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ 𝑒 𝑖 π‘˜π‘₯βˆ’πœ”π‘‘ |π‘₯⟩ =𝐴 βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ 𝑒 𝑖 𝑝π‘₯βˆ’πΈπ‘‘ |π‘₯⟩ so that πœ“ 𝑝 π‘₯ = π‘₯ 𝑝 =𝐴 𝑒 𝑖 𝑝π‘₯βˆ’πΈπ‘‘ Now, note that βˆ’π‘– πœ• πœ“ 𝑝 π‘₯ πœ•π‘₯ =βˆ’π‘–π΄π‘–π‘ 𝑒 𝑖 𝑝π‘₯βˆ’πΈπ‘‘ =𝑝 πœ“ 𝑝 (π‘₯) Therefore, if we want 𝑝 𝑝 =𝑝|π‘βŸ© we need to have 𝑝 πœ“ = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ βˆ’π‘– πœ•πœ“(π‘₯) πœ•π‘₯ |π‘₯⟩

27 Momentum In the Position Basis
The momentum operator 𝑝 maps a wavefunction πœ“(π‘₯) to βˆ’π‘– πœ•πœ“ πœ•π‘₯ . We say that the position representation of the momentum operator is p β†’βˆ’π‘– πœ• πœ•π‘₯

28 Canonical Commutation Relations
We can now determine that the position and momentum operators do not commute. In fact π‘₯ , 𝑝 = π‘₯ 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑝 π‘₯ =𝑖 𝐼 which is called the canonical commutation relation. Note: We are often lazy and write π‘₯ , 𝑝 =𝑖. This is responsible for the uncertainty principle: There are no states that predict a precise value for both π‘₯ and 𝑝 . To derive the commutation relation, we show that π‘₯ , 𝑝 |πœ“βŸ©=𝑖|πœ“βŸ© for any vector |πœ“βŸ©.

29 Canonical Commutation Relations
π‘₯ , 𝑝 πœ“ = π‘₯ 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑝 π‘₯ βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ πœ“ π‘₯ |π‘₯⟩ = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ π‘₯ ( 𝑝 πœ“(π‘₯)|π‘₯⟩)βˆ’ 𝑝 ( π‘₯ πœ“(π‘₯)|π‘₯⟩) = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ π‘₯ βˆ’π‘– πœ•πœ“ πœ•π‘₯ βˆ’ βˆ’π‘– πœ• πœ•π‘₯ π‘₯πœ“ π‘₯ |π‘₯⟩ =𝑖 βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ βˆ’π‘₯ πœ•πœ“ πœ•π‘₯ +πœ“ π‘₯ +π‘₯ πœ•πœ“ πœ•π‘₯ |π‘₯⟩ =𝑖 βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ πœ“(π‘₯)|π‘₯⟩ =𝑖|πœ“βŸ©

30 Functions of Operators
Suppose a function 𝑓(𝑑) has a Taylor series 𝑓 𝑑 = 𝑛=0 ∞ π‘Ž 𝑛 𝑑 𝑛 Then, for an operator 𝐴 , we define 𝑓 𝐴 = 𝑛=0 ∞ π‘Ž 𝑛 𝐴 𝑛 In particular, 𝑒 𝐴 = 𝑛=0 ∞ 1 𝑛! 𝐴 𝑛 From this you can derive that, if 𝐴 and 𝐡 commute then 𝑒 𝐴 𝑒 𝐡 = 𝑒 𝐴 + 𝐡

31 Formal Solution of the SchrΓΆdinger Equation
Note that, if 𝐴 is Hermitian, then π‘ˆ = 𝑒 𝑖 𝐴 is unitary π‘ˆ † π‘ˆ = 𝑒 βˆ’π‘– 𝐴 † 𝑒 𝑖 𝐴 = 𝑒 βˆ’π‘– 𝐴 𝑒 𝑖 𝐴 = 𝑒 βˆ’π‘– 𝐴 +𝑖 𝐴 = 𝑒 𝑖0 = 𝐼 We know that discrete time dynamics is unitary πœ“ 𝑑 = π‘ˆ 𝑑, 𝑑 0 |πœ“ 𝑑 0 ⟩ and that continuous time dynamics satisfies the SchrΓΆdinger equation 𝑖 πœ•|πœ“ 𝑑 ⟩ πœ•π‘‘ = 𝐻 πœ“ 𝑑 β‡’ 𝑖 πœ• π‘ˆ 𝑑, 𝑑 0 πœ•π‘‘ |πœ“ 𝑑 0 ⟩= 𝐻 π‘ˆ (𝑑, 𝑑 0 )|πœ“ 𝑑 0 ⟩ Because this has to hold for any initial state |πœ“ 𝑑 0 ⟩, we have 𝑖 πœ• π‘ˆ 𝑑, 𝑑 0 πœ•π‘‘ = 𝐻 π‘ˆ (𝑑, 𝑑 0 )

32 Formal Solution of the SchrΓΆdinger Equation
If 𝐻 is independent of time, then the solution to this equation is π‘ˆ 𝑑, 𝑑 0 = 𝑒 βˆ’π‘– 𝐻 π‘‘βˆ’ 𝑑 0 Check: 𝑖 πœ• π‘ˆ 𝑑, 𝑑 0 πœ•π‘‘ =𝑖 βˆ’π‘– 𝐻 𝑒 βˆ’π‘– 𝐻 π‘‘βˆ’ 𝑑 0 = 𝐻 𝑒 βˆ’π‘– 𝐻 π‘‘βˆ’ 𝑑 0 = 𝐻 π‘ˆ (𝑑, 𝑑 0 ) Note, we want π‘ˆ 𝑑 0 , 𝑑 0 = 𝐼 , which is why we must have (π‘‘βˆ’ 𝑑 0 ) in the exponential rather than (𝑑+π‘Ž) for an arbitrary π‘Ž. The operator π‘ˆ (𝑑, 𝑑 0 ) is called the propagator.

33 Translation Operators
An operator of the form π‘ˆ π‘Ž = 𝑒 βˆ’π‘–π‘Ž 𝑝 is called a translation operator. π‘ˆ (π‘Ž) is unitary because βˆ’π‘Ž 𝑝 is Hermitian. Next, consider π‘ˆ Ξ”π‘Ž π‘₯ π‘ˆ † Ξ”π‘Ž for small Ξ”π‘Ž π‘ˆ Ξ”π‘Ž π‘₯ π‘ˆ † Ξ”π‘Ž = 𝐼 βˆ’π‘–Ξ”π‘Ž 𝑝 π‘₯ 𝐼 +π‘–Ξ”π‘Ž 𝑝 +𝑂(Ξ” π‘Ž 2 ) = π‘₯ +π‘–Ξ”π‘Ž π‘₯ 𝑝 βˆ’ 𝑝 π‘₯ +𝑂(Ξ” π‘Ž 2 ) = π‘₯ +π‘–Ξ”π‘Ž π‘₯ , 𝑝 = π‘₯ +π‘–Ξ”π‘Ž(𝑖 𝐼 ) = π‘₯ βˆ’Ξ”π‘Ž 𝐼

34 Translation Operators
From this, we can derive π‘ˆ π‘Ž π‘₯ π‘ˆ † π‘Ž = π‘₯ βˆ’π‘Ž 𝐼 π‘ˆ π‘Ž π‘₯ π‘ˆ † π‘Ž = lim π‘β†’βˆž π‘ˆ π‘Ž 𝑁 𝑁 π‘₯ π‘ˆ † π‘Ž 𝑁 𝑁 = lim π‘β†’βˆž π‘ˆ π‘Ž 𝑁 π‘βˆ’1 π‘₯ βˆ’ π‘Ž 𝑁 𝐼 π‘ˆ † π‘Ž 𝑁 π‘βˆ’1 +𝑂 1 𝑁 2 = lim π‘β†’βˆž π‘ˆ π‘Ž 𝑁 π‘βˆ’1 π‘₯ π‘ˆ † π‘Ž 𝑁 π‘βˆ’1 βˆ’ π‘Ž 𝑁 𝐼 +𝑂 1 𝑁 2 = lim π‘β†’βˆž π‘₯ βˆ’π‘Ž 𝐼 +𝑂 1 𝑁 = π‘₯ βˆ’π‘Ž 𝐼

35 Translation Operators
Further, we can derive π‘ˆ π‘Ž π‘₯ =|π‘₯+π‘ŽβŸ© Start with the eigenvalue equation and act with π‘ˆ (π‘Ž) π‘₯ π‘₯ =π‘₯ π‘₯ π‘ˆ π‘Ž π‘₯ π‘₯ =π‘₯ π‘ˆ π‘Ž π‘₯ π‘ˆ π‘Ž π‘₯ π‘ˆ † π‘Ž π‘ˆ π‘Ž π‘₯ =π‘₯ π‘ˆ π‘Ž |π‘₯⟩ by unitatiry π‘₯ βˆ’π‘Ž 𝐼 π‘ˆ π‘Ž π‘₯ =π‘₯ π‘ˆ π‘Ž |π‘₯⟩ π‘₯ π‘ˆ π‘Ž π‘₯ =(π‘₯+π‘Ž) π‘ˆ π‘Ž |π‘₯⟩ In other words, π‘ˆ π‘Ž π‘₯ is an eigenstate of π‘₯ with eigenvalue π‘₯+π‘Ž, which is precisely the definition of |π‘₯+π‘ŽβŸ©.

36 Translation Operators
We can now see what π‘ˆ (π‘Ž) does to the wavefunction πœ“(π‘₯) π‘ˆ π‘Ž πœ“ = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ πœ“ π‘₯ π‘ˆ (π‘Ž)|π‘₯⟩ = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ πœ“ π‘₯ |π‘₯+π‘ŽβŸ© = βˆ’βˆž +∞ dπ‘₯ πœ“ π‘₯βˆ’π‘Ž |π‘₯⟩ The wavefunction πœ“ β€² π‘₯ = π‘₯ π‘ˆ π‘Ž πœ“ =πœ“ π‘₯βˆ’π‘Ž of π‘ˆ π‘Ž πœ“ is the wavefunction of |πœ“βŸ©, translated to the right by π‘Ž. Hence the name translation operator.

37 Translation Hamiltonian
Suppose now that the Hamiltonian of our system is proportional to the momentum 𝐻 =𝑔 𝑝 The propagator π‘ˆ 𝑑, 𝑑 0 = 𝑒 βˆ’π‘–π‘” π‘‘βˆ’ 𝑑 0 𝑝 is a translation operator, so the wavefunction will move to the right at a rate 𝑔. 𝑔(π‘‘βˆ’ 𝑑 0 ) πœ“( 𝑑 0 ) πœ“(𝑑)

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