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Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana

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Presentation on theme: "Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
Rabi 18 Conference

2 Crop Insurance- Overview Total Farmers Insured No. in lakhs

3 Crop Insurance- Overview Non Loanee Farmers Insured In percentage

4 Crop Insurance- Overview Sum Insured In Rs 000’Crore

5 Crop Insurance- Overview Sum Insured/ha In Rs 000

6 Crop Insurance- Overview Claim Settled Against Actuarial Premium
In percentage

7 2017-18 State Performance Ranking on 4 Parameters
Top states Claims settled as % of total claims in Kharif 17. This captures role of State both in terms of timely provision of yield data and subsidy. Bottom states

8 Revised Operational Guidelines
Penalties/ Incentives for ICs, States, and Banks eg. For delay in settlement of claims beyond two months of prescribed cut off date, ICs will pay interest rate. For delay in release of State share of Subsidy beyond three months of prescribed cut off date/submission of requisition by ICs, State Govt. have to pay 12% interest rate 2. Performance evaluation of ICs and their de-empanelment 3. Inclusion of Perennial horticultural crops (on pilot basis) under PMFBY.

9 Revised Operational Guidelines...contd
4. Post Harvest Losses to include hailstorm besides unseasonal and cyclonic rainfall 5. Localized calamities to include cloud burst and natural fire in addition to hailstorm, landslide, and inundation 6. Add on coverage for crop loss due to Attack by wild animals on pilot basis with additional financial liabilities of this provision to be borne by concerned State Govt. 7. Mandatory capturing of Aadhar number for de-duplication

10 Revised Operational Guidelines...contd
8. 10% incremental target for Coverage by ICs especially of Non loanee farmers 9.·Rationalization of premium release process Beginning of the season - release of Upfront premium subsidy based on 50% of 80% of total share of subsidy of corresponding season of previous year as GOI/State subsidy Second Installment – balance premium based on approved business statistics on Portal for settlement of claims and Final installment after reconciliation of entire coverage data on portal based on final business statistics on portal

11 Revised Operational Guidelines...contd
10. Settlement of claims (Prevented sowing/ On account for Mid season adversity / Localised Claims) without waiting for Second installment of subsidy 11. At least 2% of budget for scheme in States for Administrative expenses 12. Broad Activity wise seasonality discipline 13. District wise crop wise crop calendar (for major crops) to decide cut-off date for enrolment. 14. Farmer can change crop name upto 2 days prior to enrolment

12 Revised Operational Guidelines...contd
15. Farmer can intimate individual loss upto 72 hours through any stakeholders and directly on portal 16. SOPs for: Dispute redressal regarding yield data/crop loss Claims estimation w.r.t. Add on products Area Correction factor Multi picking crops. 17. Publicity and awareness- earmarked expenditure - 0.5% of Gross premium per company per season 18. Use of RST in clustering/Risk classification

13 Seasonality Discipline
All activities strictly as per calendar Penalties for time overruns Cut-off date for farmer enrolment advanced by 15 days District wise crop wise calendar for sowing and harvesting Auto approval of farmer applications 45 days from cut-off date of enrolment Satellite based application of Area correction factor - to be applied only for those major crops for which MNCFC releases data Auto processing of claims within 1 week of receipt of yield data from State govt

14 Setting up of TSU TSU setup with UNDP assistance on 25.06.2018
Includes 11 verticals with 25 Professionals viz - Capacity building, M&E, Actuary, Remote Sensing, IT, Communications, etc

15 Expectations from States
Follow the seasonality discipline in new OGs; non-compliance will lead to penalty Timely issue and digitization of notification Digitize historical yield data and actual yield data for previous seasons Encourage banks/cooperatives to upload farmers’ data on time Push for 100% CCE through agri app - central govt will reimburse 50% cost of technology device like smartphone; ensure co-witnessing of ICs Aadhar enrolment for loanee farmers to be completed

16 Expectations from States...contd
Timely release of premium subsidy 2% of state budget to be used for administrative expenses, publicity, technology adoption, setting up State TSUs Regular awareness, sensitisation, and training programmes Push to include women farmers and SC/ST farmers Focus on increasing non-loanee farmers for greater GCA - engage CSCs Notify more crops to increase GCA Focus on North-East States and UTs


18 Crop Insurance- Overview Area Insured In Lakh Ha

19 Seasonality Discipline
S.No Activity Kharif Rabi Action to be taken by 1 Conduct of pre-notification SLCCCI 15 Nov 1 June States/UTs 2 Uploading of data on crop insurance Portal for Issuing Tender Documents 30 Nov 15 June 3 Tender finalization and award of work 31 Dec 4 Digitization of notification and downloading/ issuance of notification from Portal 31 Jan 1 July States/UTs/ Concerned ICs 5 Awareness/ sensitization/training programmes 15 march 15 Sep 6 Start of enrolment of farmers for the season(as per crop calendar) From 1 April From 1 October All Stakeholders

20 Seasonality Discipline
S.No Activity Kharif Rabi Action to be taken by 7 Cut-off date for intimation of change of insured crop by the loanee farmer 2 days prior to cut-off date for debit/collection of premium from farmers Farmers/banks 8 Cut-off date for receipt of App of farmers/debit of premium from farmer’s account (loanee/non-loanee) Upto last date of enrolment of farmers as notified by States for notified crop(s) or up to 15th July Upto last date of enrolment of farmers as notified by States for notified crop(s) or up to 15th Dec Banks/PACS/CSC/ insurance agent/online enrolment by farmers etc 9 Declaration of Prevented sowing State Govt./ IC Strictly within 15 days from cut off date for enrolment of farmers i.e by 31st July Strictly within 15 days from cut off date for enrolment of farmers by 31st Dec States/ICs 10 In r/o loanee farmers - Remittance of premium along with consolidated Declarations to respective ICs & uploading on Portal by Bank branches, followed by SMS to all insured farmers from Portal Within 15 days of cut-off date for enrolment of farmers/debit of premium i.e. 31st July Within 15 days of cut-off date for enrolment of farmers/debit of premium 31st Dec Banks/Portal

21 Seasonality Discipline
S.No Activity Kharif Rabi Action to be taken by 11 In r/o of non-loanee farmers - Remittance of farmer premium to ICs by designated insurance Agent(s) & uploading of details on Portal Within 48 Hours of receipt of application & premium.. Insurance companies and their agents 12 Cut-off date for Insurer to accept or reject the farmer’s data on Portal In r/o loanees - within 15 days from the cut-off date for uploading of data by Banks i.e 15th Aug for Kharif and 15th Jan for Rabi In r/o non-loaness - within 30 days from the date of uploading of data by concerned agencies i.e 31st Aug for Kharif and 31st Jan for Rabi Insurance Companies 13 Cut-off date for carrying out rectification intimated by ICs on Portal Within 7 days from the date of intimation by ICs CSCs/Banks/ Intermediary 14 Cut-off date for Insurer to accept the corrected applications Within 7 days from the date of submission of correction by the Bank/CSC

22 Seasonality Discipline
S.No Activity Kharif Rabi Action to be taken by 15 Cut-off date to provide Acknowledgement Receipt & Folio to the insured farmer Within 7 days from acceptance of proposal by concerned Insurance Company on Portal CSCs/Banks/ Intermediary 16 Cut off date for cleaning of data/information and auto approval of risks/application of insured farmers on crop insurance on Portal 45 days from the cut off date for enrolment/debit of premium from farmers i.e. 31st August for - Kharif and 31st January-Rabi seasons Insurance companies/ crop insurance Portal 17 Release of advance upfront premium subsidy i.e. 50% of 80% of respective share of Centre/State in corresponding previous season Within 15 days of cut-off date of enrolment of farmers i.e. 31st July Within 15 days of cut-off date of enrolment of farmers i.e 31st Dec GoI & State Govts./UTs 18 Training and registration of field level workers on conduct/reporting of CCEs Upto 15th August Upto 15th January Field Functionaries/ State/District Level Nodal Officer

23 Seasonality Discipline
S.No Activity Kharif Rabi Action to be taken by 19 Registration of mobile number of representative of ICs for co-witnessing of CCEs Upto 31st August. State may fix earlier dates for early Kh Crops Upto 30th Jan. State may fix earlier dates for early Rabi crops Insurance Companies 20 a) Uploading of tentative schedule for conduct of CCEs . b) Confirmation of the CCEs At least 7 days before tentative date for conducting CCEs Via SMS on one day notice through CCE app Concerned Department of States to incorporate the same in Notification 21 Timeline for lodging online complaint about faulty CCEs data By 5 pm on the day following conduct of CCEs 22 For Area Correction/Reduction Factor(ACF/ARF) - Crop wise, Block/Tehsil wise sown area data for major crops to be provided by/through MNCFC Before harvesting period MNCFC 23 Approval of district wise crop wise Actual yield data and uploading on Portal Within one month of completion of CCEs from notified district wise crop wise specific cut off dates States/UTs

24 Seasonality Discipline
S.No Activity Kharif Rabi Action to be taken by 24 Cut-off date for intimation/ reconciliation/ clarification of any deficiency in Actual Yield data Within 7 days from the date of uploading CCE Data from State Department, if any Insurance Companies/ flagged on Portal 25 Cut off date for clarification sought by ICs/ flagged on Portal Within 7 days of clarification sought by ICs/ flagged on Portal State Govt 26 Release of second instalment of Govt. subsidy – On finalization of tentative business statistics after 15 days of auto approval of applications on portal GOI/States 27 Auto processing of Claims based on yield data Within one week from receipt of final/approved yield data from State Govt. GoI/ Portal 28 Sharing of detailed information of claims with bank branches & other Stakeholders from crop insurance Portal Within 7 days of approval of claims by ICS Portal/ Insurance Companies

25 Seasonality Discipline
S.No Activity Kharif Rabi Action to be taken by 29 Timelines for Payment of claims Within two week from calculation of claims Insurance Companies 30 Payment of final government subsidy On finalisation of business statistics on portal 31 Reconciliation of claim amount by concerned bank branches for loanee farmers disbursed either through Banks or directly to beneficiary accounts/ DBT In case of Non Loanees, reconciliation of claims , if required, to be done by enrolling agencies in consultation with concerned bank Within a week after receipt of claims Banks/Farmers

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