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Chapter 2.1 WHAT IS MATTER?.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2.1 WHAT IS MATTER?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2.1 WHAT IS MATTER?

2 What will we learn? Matter Properties Physical property (not in book)
Chemical property (not in book)

3 What is matter? Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space.

4 What is a property? Property is a characteristics that helps identify an object.

5 Properties of Matter How it looks (shiny, dull, color etc)
How it feels (smooth, rough, hard, soft etc) How it smells (sweet, sharp, terrible, no smell etc) How it sounds (loud, quiet, soft, echo etc) What it does (bounce, stretch, tear, break, magnetism etc)

6 Properties of Matter Properties of Matter density mass weight shape
feel Properties of Matter color taste smell

7 Example: how do you describe sugar?
-sugar is a solid -it is made of small pieces What else?

8 Sugar Description -it is white -has no smell -has sweeet taste -feels rough -mass: it depends on how much sugar is there

9 Describe peach Size: similar to a baseball Color: yellowish-red
Mass: about 40g Shape: almost round Taste: sweet Volume: about 20mL Smell: pleasant, sweet Feel: fuzzy, soft


11 Physical Properties of Matter
Property such as color, size and texture that can be observed about matter while it is not reacting with anything else.

12 Chemical Properties of Matter
Property that describes how a substance reacts with another substance.

13 Self-check page 29 For each of the following statements, tell whether it is a good description. Explain your answer. a. It was a large, colorful box. b. The rock has a mass of 25 kg. c. The solid that formed was dark, shiny, and lumpy.

14 Self-check page 29 (con’t.)
2. Choose an object. Write a detailed description of the object. Read your description to the class. Can classmates identify the object from your description?

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