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Welcome to U.S. History Mr. Gonzalez 2017 - 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to U.S. History Mr. Gonzalez 2017 - 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to U.S. History Mr. Gonzalez

2 Basic classroom expectations
Voices off, unless called on. Raise your hand for help or permission to move. Respect everything and everyone around you.

3 Consequences Verbal Warning Brief Conference Lunch Detention
Parent Communication, Phone Call, , or message home Office Discipline Referral

4 A word on academic honesty
We are here to grow together. Therefore, all will be accountable for the success of the class. We will respect each other, ourselves, and our surroundings, in order to contribute to a successful learning environment. Academic honesty is a must! I practice ZERO tolerance. That means if I catch you cheating or if you put yourself into a position where it appears you are cheating, I will contact parents and write a Discipline Referral!

5 Supply list 1 ½ - 2” 3 ring binder Loose-leaf paper
2 white poster boards Pens (Blue or Black only) #2 Pencils Red Pen (for grading) Coloring pencils (turn in to me for use in the classroom) Pencil bag (optional) Box of tissue paper (Kleenex, etc.) Hand held pencil sharpener

6 Daily procedure As soon as you walk into class you will see my blog at on the projector screen. The first thing you should look for is the daily WARM UP. You will have a WARM UP EVERY DAY. I expect you to take out materials necessary for the WARM UP and begin working or try to figure out what I am asking you to do for the beginning of class. If you were absent, you should visit to the Missing Assignments? Drawer to pull out anything you may have missed while you were gone.

7 GRADING The following categories will be used for grading purposes as well as a STAAR exam at the end of next semester. Each category is named and weighted as follows: Daily Work (most daily assignments, notebook quizzes, etc.) – 40% Assessments (major tests and projects) – 45% Six Weeks Exam - 15% QUICKFIRE GRADING: For many daily assignments, I will use the following system: √++ = 100 √+ = 90 √ = 80 √- = 70 √-- = 60

8 LATE WORK Policy Work is late AT THE END OF THE PERIOD IN WHICH IT WAS DUE – Even if you turn in work at the end of the school day, it is LATE. When an assignment is late, you have three days to turn in the assignment and the most credit you can receive is 70%. ***After 4 days, students will be responsible for coming to see me in order to complete an alternative assignment or task to demonstrate mastery in that particular subject area for 50%***

9 ABSENT WORK If you are absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to obtain your missed work. If you are absent on the day an assignment is DISTRIBUTED and EXPLAINED, you have 3 School Days to make up the work. This includes meeting for tutoring, and reaching out to me for an explanation of the work. If you have received instruction, but are absent the DAY AN ASSIGNMENT IS DUE, I expect you to have it THE DAY YOU RETURN. You will not receive extra time to complete it. ***This includes extracurricular activities and field trips.***

10 Test Corrections/Redos
It is district policy that students may have an opportunity to redo work receiving less than 70% credit turned in ON TIME. You have 5 DAYS to redo the work or make such corrections. I expect at least one meeting with me prior to redoing an assignment, with the exception of test corrections, which I will expect from anyone receiving less than a 70% on major tests. Test corrections are to be completed on a separate sheet of paper, in complete sentences reflecting the correct answer. I will not accept them otherwise. EXAMPLE: The right to privacy is protected in the 10th Amendment. CORRECTION: The right to privacy is protected in the 4th Amendment. X

11 FINAL WORD I am very excited to be working with you this year!
This year is going to be productive and fun (much of the time). I have high expectations for all of you, and am going to work very hard to ensure that we are all successful. I respect each one of you, and expect the same in return. I will be in your corner as a teacher and advocate, and look forward to making this a great year.

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