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Boris Hristov, SQL Server MVP

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Presentation on theme: "Boris Hristov, SQL Server MVP"— Presentation transcript:

1 Boris Hristov, SQL Server MVP
Securing SQL Azure DB? Boris Hristov, SQL Server MVP

2 Merci à nos sponsors…

3 Merci à nos volontaires…

4 That’s not a marketing talk!
DISCLAIMER: That’s not a marketing talk!

5 So who is this guy Boris? @BorisHristov

6 Session’s Timeline coolness Dynamic Data Masking Row Level Security

7 Dynamic Data Masking

8 “Have you ever…”

9 SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers
custid FirstName LastName PhoneNumber Address CreditcardNumber 1 Boris Hristov 2 Ivan Donev 3 Stanislav Zhelyaskov 4 Minchev

10 SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers
custid FirstName LastName PhoneNumber Address CreditcardNumber 1 Boris Hristov xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-1111 2 Ivan Donev xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2222 3 Stanislav Zhelyaskov xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-3333 4 Minchev xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-4444

11 Dynamic Data Masking

12 DEMO Dynamic Data Masking

13 Row Level Security

14 “Have you ever…”

15 SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders
orderid custid orderdate shipdate shipcountry 1 4/20/ :15:49 Bulgaria 2 Germany 3 4 5

16 SELECT * FROM dbo.Orders
orderid custid orderdate shipdate shipcountry 1 4/20/ :15:49 Bulgaria 4 2 5 3

17 How is that possible?

18 No GUI, folks  -- user defined function
CREATE FUNCTION Security.fn_securitypredicate AS sysname) RETURNS TABLE WITH SCHEMABINDING AS RETURN SELECT 1 AS fn_securitypredicate_result = USER_NAME() OR USER_NAME() = 'Manager'; -- security policy CREATE SECURITY POLICY SalesFilter ADD FILTER PREDICATE Security.fn_securitypredicate(SalesRep) ON dbo.Sales WITH (STATE = ON);

19 DEMO Row Level Security

20 Cool, huh?

21 Not that fast…

22 Session’s Timeline coolness Dynamic Data Masking Row Level Security

23 DEMO Row Level Security Issues

24 So is that a security feature then?

25 Or is that a programmability feature?

26 Take away RLS is great. Just be aware of the current issues.
Easily mask sensitive data with Dynamic Data Masking A lot going on in SQL Azure DB

27 …Et en plus on peut gagner des cadeaux

28 Thank you! Contacts:

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