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Department of State - 1789 Represents America in working with foreign governments and advises on foreign affairs. [This is for someone who makes friends.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of State - 1789 Represents America in working with foreign governments and advises on foreign affairs. [This is for someone who makes friends."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of State Represents America in working with foreign governments and advises on foreign affairs. [This is for someone who makes friends easily and respects other people’s cultures.]

2 Department of the Treasury - 1789
Advises on economic issues and oversees the collection of taxes and the printing of money. [This is for someone who knows how to handle money.]

3 Department of Defense - 1789
Works to formulate American military wars and oversees the armed forces. Formerly the Department of “War.” [This is for someone who knows how to fight.]

4 Department of Justice - 1789
Responsible for the enforcement of the law and administration of justice. Leader of the DOJ is called the “Attorney General,” not the Secretary of Justice. [This is for someone who understands the law.]

5 Department of Interior - 1849
Protects and provides access to natural and cultural heritage sites. Manages public lands and minerals, national parks, national wildlife refuges, and water resources. [This is for someone who loves the outdoors.]

6 Department of Agriculture - 1889
Ensures a healthy food supply and provides support to farmers. [This is for someone who knows how to farm.]

7 Department of Commerce - 1903
Encourages, serves, and promotes international trade, economic growth, and technological advancement. [This is for someone passionate about America making a lot of money.]

8 Department of Labor Oversees the interests of American workers by improving working conditions and advancing employment opportunities. [This is for someone who cares about workers and their quality of life.]

9 Department of Health and Human Services - 1953
Protects the health of all Americans and provides essential human services for those least able to help themselves. [This is for someone who would make a good nurse or doctor.]

10 Department of Housing and Urban Development - 1965
Oversees housing needs and focuses on improving and developing communities. [This is for someone who cares about the homeless, and wants to help them.]

11 Department of Transportation - 1966
Establishes and oversees America’s transportation systems, including highways, railroads, airports, airplanes, canals, and seaports. [This is for someone who understands a lot about cars.]

12 Department of Energy Researches sources of fuel and electricity for the United States, including wind, solar, nuclear, and fossil fuel energies. Safeguards American nuclear weapons. [This is for someone knows a lot about science.]

13 Department of Education - 1979
Ensures equal access to education and pro-motes educational excellence. Sets guide-lines and provides leadership. [This is for someone who loves to teach.]

14 Department of Veterans Affairs - 1989
Administers programs to benefit military veterans and members of their families. [This is for someone who cares a lot about veterans.]

15 Department of Homeland Security - 2002
Works to prevent terrorist attacks in America and reduce vulnerability to terrorism, as well as minimize the damage from attacks and natural disasters. [This is for someone who can prevent terrorist attacks.]

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