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Biratu Yigezu|Director General|CSA

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1 Biratu Yigezu|Director General|CSA
An overview on vision for the 2020 Population Census Round The Case of Ethiopia Biratu Yigezu|Director General|CSA

2 1. Country’s Vision CSA’s Vision
Becoming a low middle-income country by 2025, through sustaining the rapid, broad based and inclusive economic growth, which accelerates economic transformation and the journey towards the country’s Renascence …. F.D.R.E. Growth & Transformation Plan II. CSA’s Vision To become an authoritative, trustworthy and world class provider of statistics … NSDS II

3 2. DATA for DEVELOPMENT The success of every policies, strategies and programs, including continental and international frameworks depends on the reliable data. Global & regional initiatives including data revolution, modernization of statistical systems are key for data quality & timeliness . The government of Ethiopia recognize importance of data for each decision making. Thus, working to strengthen the statistical system.

4 3. National Strategy for the Development of Statistics
Ethiopia has developed its National Strategy for the development of Statistics (NSDS) in line with National Development Plan, GTP. The strategy enable development in data production and coordination of the statistical system assist achievement of the national vision. The CSA has produced data through CENSUS, SAMPLE SURVEY, CRVS, ADMINISTRATIVE DATA.

5 4. Ethiopia 2018 Population Census
Vision : “to make the census result Quality, Reliable and Credible for action” Mission : “ Produce reliable result under the principle of official statistics, use modern digital technologies , ensure participation of all citizens & actors ”

6 5. Census Goals & Objectives
“to contribute towards improving the quality of life of Ethiopians through the provision of current and reliable data for development planning, policy formulation and service delivery, as well as for monitoring and evaluating population and socio-economic development programmes ”

7 5. Census Goals & Objectives
Strengthen the process of monitoring the national and international development framework; Size, composition and spatial distribution of the population; Levels of fertility, mortality and migration; Patterns of urbanisation; Levels of literacy and education; Size and deployment of the labour force; Size, type and distribution of persons with disabilities; and Housing conditions and availability of household amenities.

8 6. Achievements Census governance: ensure legal and administrative basis. Digitize the Census processes: Cartography (using PDA/tablets, digital maps ..etc), Enumeration (tablet census), Data management: Data center infrastructure development, online data transfer, database management, monitoring system), Census logistics: 180,000 tablets , 126,000 power banks and other accessories Communication & Advocacy, - All necessary materials prepared, Partnership & Collaboration, - Regular Engagement with DAG in collaboration with UNFPA

9 7. Digital Census Decision for 2018 Ethiopian Census
Initiations: CSA’s experience & previous census challenges. Other African countries experience, Global initiatives (2020 round of census) Consultations & discussion: Background papers are developed, Digital data capture meeting held by 13 African countries, Brazil, UNFPA, DFID, on Feb 2016. Ministerial & census commission discussion. Decisions: To ensure high quality census, the government of Ethiopia endorse the application of full digital technology.

10 7.1. PDA use in Ethiopia 2018 Census

11 7.2.DIGITALIZATION… 1994 2018 2007 Data Processing


13 8. Methodological Improvements
Extensive use of technology to improve data quality and timeliness: A transition from traditional manual /hand drawn maps (1994) to semi-digital maps (2007) to fully digital maps (2018) using GPS-enabled handheld devices (ArcGIS Mobile technology), Digital census enumeration using handheld devices (tablets), Production of geo-referenced database to support spatial data analysis and production of thematic maps,

14 8. Methodological Improvements (Cont.)
Online, interactive data sharing and management (use of web-based data dissemination methods). In-built comprehensive enumeration of refugees (Census of Refugees) Extensive technical capacity building of staff in various areas to cope with various innovations undertaken for 4th PHC.

15 Thank You! Ameseginalehu! Merci!

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