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Problem-Based Learning

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Presentation on theme: "Problem-Based Learning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem-Based Learning

2 Presentation of the Problem or Challenge
We have a problem! What is the problem?

3 What do you KNOW about the topic?

4 Ask Questions Decide on questions for further investigation.
I have a problem. What am I going to do about it? How will I work to solve this problem? Decide on questions for further investigation. What do we need to find out? What should we research? Who can we ask? Where can we find information?

5 Setting Expectations Project example Grading rubrics
Grading checklists Discuss expectations Teamwork

6 Prepare for Research Set Up a Note Taking System (journal, cards)
Questions/topics to research Sections or topics in journal or on cards Proper Note Taking Good websites Paraphrasing (avoiding plagiarism) Citing sources

7 The Research Library books Text books Websites (discuss good/bad)
WorldBook Encyclopedia Online Teacher’s lessons/activities Video clips

8 Technology Instruction
Introduce students to new software needed to complete project. Examples may include: Pixie Frames WebBlender/Share

9 Synthesize Research Develop a plan for culminating project by writing a script or storyboard Create culminating project

10 The Presentation Audience Process Product Next Time Gather Feedback

11 Assessment/Evaluation
Self Peer Teacher

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