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Eurostat and the Visualisation tools

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Presentation on theme: "Eurostat and the Visualisation tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eurostat and the Visualisation tools
ESTAT.B4 – B. Le Goff/ C. Laevaert/ A. Bortin

2 1-Task force on visualisation tools 2-New tools available in 2015
Overview 1-Task force on visualisation tools 2-New tools available in 2015 3-Impact of the visualisation tools on the internet and in the press

3 Belgium Hungary, Germany Austria Estonia Poland Ireland Portugal
Task force with 17 Members Belgium Hungary, Germany Austria Estonia Poland Ireland Portugal Spain Romania France Slovenia Croatia UK Italy Eurostat Luxembourg

4 Mandate -To collect information on data visualisation tools -To discuss the concepts and attractiveness of existing visualisation tools, their reusability & a possible set-up of guidelines -To propose common ESS objectives and actions in the field of data visualisation tools

5 Sharing of Tools -To start an exercise by sharing existing Eurostat tools. All members of the TF agreed to at least translate one of Eurostat tools (Economic trends, Young Europeans, Quality of life) into their own language and publish it. -The NSI's covering the existing languages (French,German and English) are encouraged to integrate the infographics on their own websites.

6 (2) Sharing of best practices
(2) Sharing of best practices The Members of the TF stressed the importance of : -Organising training sessions, -Having additional meetings (1x year) of the TF -Serving as a steering committee for the "data visualisation" component of the DIGICOM project.

7 (3) Measuring user satisfaction
(3) Measuring user satisfaction A benchmarking exercise is desirable. This exercise will be integrated as a concrete action proposal for the DIGICOM project.

8 ACHIEVEMENT -Information collected from the NSI's concerning their most important visualisation tools -Sharing of these information within the Task Force

9 Economic trends

10 Economic trends Estonia: Poland: Romania: Spain: Portugal: working on it Hungary: Italy: Croatia:

11 Young Europeans

12 Young europeans Italy: Spain: in the pipeline Romania: working on it Portugal: in the pipeline Croatia:

13 Quality of Life

14 Quality of life Portugal:
Slovenia: done but not published yet Italy: in the pipeline Spain: working on it Croatia:

15 Lessons learnt -Web content translation on a separated file
-Need an internal user support in Eurostat -Apart the Eurostat's tools, it should be envisaged to share national tools among the ESS Members.

16 New tools My Country in a bubble

17 New tools You in the EU

18 New tools Government expenditure in the EU

19 Impact on the internet and in the press

20 From publish date to 31 December 2015
Impact Visualisation tools From publish date to 31 December 2015 Visits (a) Internal (*) Visits (a) External (**) Visits (a) Total Mentions (c) Total (EN,DE,FR) 2.194 Economic Trends – total Economic Trends (EN) Published 12/12/2014 Economic Trends (DE) Published 12/12/2014 Economic Trends (FR) Published 12/12/2014 1,726 1,385 148 193 20,807 19,224 859 724 22,533 20,609 1,007 917 915 Young Europeans – total Young Europeans (EN) Published 16/04/2015 Young Europeans (DE) Published 16/04/2015 Young Europeans (FR) Published 16/04/2015 1,282 1,127 56 99 145,102 126,481 2,980 15,641 146,384 127,608 3,036 15,740 744 Quality of life - total Quality of life (EN) Published 01/06/2015 Quality of life (DE) Published 01/06/2015 Quality of life (FR) Published 01/06/2015 858 731 39 88 70,259 50,298 2,563 17,398 71,117 51,029 2,602 17,486 153 My country in a bubble -total My Country in a bubble (web EN) Published 15/07/ My Country in a bubble (web DE) Published 15/07/2015 My Country in a bubble (web FR) Published 15/07/2015 1,058 1,019 59 140 46,864 46,604 1,931 4,709 47,922 47,623 1,990 4,849 179 You in the EU - total You in the EU (EN) Published 27/11/2015 You in the EU (DE) Published 27/11/2015 You in the EU (FR) Published 27/11/2015 254 235 6 13 13,075 11,526 487 1,062 13,329 11,761 493 1,075 203 Total visits – all visualisation tools 5,178 296,107 301,285

21 From publish date to 31 December 2015
Themes in the spotlight (only available in EN, only page views above total 1,000 listed) From publish date to 31 December 2015 Number of page views (b) internal (*) Number of page views (b) External (**) Number of page views (b) Total (Internal (*) + External (**) Themes in the spotlight main page (07 March 2015) 3,559 59,328 62,887 Europe Day (08 May 2015) 684 17,837 18,521 International Youth Day  (11 August 2015) 318 12,648 12,966 COP21 (Paris Climate Change Conference) (27 November 2015) 605 7,040 7,645 Themes in the spotlight archive (overview page) 1,257 5,083 6,340 European Day of Languages (24 September 2015) 271 5,465 5,736 Asylum applicants 2014 (World Refugee Day) (18 June 2015) 301 4,058 4,359 At risk of poverty or social exclusion (International Day for the Eradication of Poverty) (15 October 2015) 410 3,741 4,151 International Men's Day (18 November 2015) 202 2,459 2,661 International trade in goods 2014 (27 March 2015) 432 1,768 2,200 Tourism in the EU (25 June 2015) 478 1,484 1,962 International Day of Older Persons (29 September) 193 1,744 1,937 World Tourism Day (25 September 2015) 220 1,702 1,922 Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union (03 July 2015) 313 1,352 1,665 International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December 2015) 116 1,256 1,372 Health in the EU (22 July 2015) 334 910 1,244 Eastern Partnership Summit (20 May 2015) 176 1,000 1,176 The EU in the world (03 September 2015) 350 804 1,154 Labour market in the EU (2014 LFS data) (7 May 2015) 214 926 1,140 Total page views – All Themes in the spotlight 10,433 130,605 141,038

22 Thank you Any question ?

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