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People and Places Getting The Goods Economically Speaking Low-Tech

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Presentation on theme: "People and Places Getting The Goods Economically Speaking Low-Tech"— Presentation transcript:

1 People and Places Getting The Goods Economically Speaking Low-Tech
Eleanor M. Savko People and Places Getting The Goods Economically Speaking 1/1/2019 Low-Tech Hi-Tech Making History 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 10 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 15 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 20 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt 25 pt

2 Process of people moving to a new place to stay permanently or for a long time

3 What is “migration?”

4 The earliest civilizations of man tended to settle in these areas

5 What are “river valleys?”

6 Type of geography dedicated to studying factors related to people; i.e. population density, culture, government, religion, and language.

7 What is “human geography?”

8 Type of geography dedicated to studying factors related to the natural environment; i.e. climate, land forms, and natural resources

9 What is “physical geography?”

10 Any information collected to study the population of a nation; i. e
Any information collected to study the population of a nation; i.e. birth rate, infant mortality rate, or life expectancy

11 What is “demographic data?”

12 Buying and selling, the exchange of goods and services, or business dealings

13 What is “trade?”

14 Crops produced by a family for their own consumption with no surplus to sell to others

15 What is “subsistence agriculture?”

16 Growing crops and raising animals to sell in the market and make a profit

17 What is “commercial” or “market-oriented agriculture?”

18 When products are made in the home or in a small shop to sell in the market for profit

19 What is a “cottage industry”

20 An industry that produces goods in a factory on a large scale to sell in the market for a profit

21 What is a “commercial industry?”

22 The level of development in a country, measured by factors like levels of income, availability of health care, education, and life expectancy

23 What is the “standard of living?”

24 An economic system where the production of goods and services is determined by demand from consumers

25 What is a “market economy” or “capitalism?”

26 An economic system where production is determined by customs and goods are exchanged by bartering

27 What is a “traditional economy?”

28 An economic system where the production of goods and services is determined by the government

29 What is a “command economy”

30 The name used to describe the sum of all goods and services produced by a country

31 What is the “Gross Domestic Product” or “GDP?”

32 This allowed humans to abandon a nomadic lifestyle and establish the first settlements

33 What was the “agricultural revolution” or “new improvements in farming tools and techniques?”

34 1400’s invention that revolutionized the spread of ideas

35 What is the “printing press?”

36 This late 1700s invention would be used to fuel the early railroads and paddle-wheel river boats

37 What is “steam power?”

38 These two 20th century inventions presented new forms of entertainment and new opportunities for advertisers.

39 What are “radio and television?”

40 20th century invention that lead to a steady increase in population in many parts of America’s “sun belt”

41 What is the “air conditioner?”

42 A war between people, factions, or regions within a country

43 What is a “civil war?”

44 An armed rebellion or uprising against the government or a period of great change

45 What is a “revolution?”

46 An example of spatial diffusion, when a deadly disease spread from Asia to Europe in the 1300s and a third of the population died

47 What was the “Bubonic Plague” or “Black Death?”

48 An example of spatial diffusion, when new foods, plants, animals, and diseases were introduced to the New World from the Old World and vice-versa

49 What was the “Columbian Exchange?”

50 An artistic and scientific revolution that occurred in Europe between the 1300s and 1500s

51 What was the Renaissance?”

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