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Planting the seeds of Success!

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Presentation on theme: "Planting the seeds of Success!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planting the seeds of Success!
3rd Grade Mrs. Terrell With Mrs. Huelsman (Math, Reading) Mrs. Graham (Science, Writing)

2 Let’s Make a Deal…. Don’t believe everything you hear about me, and I won’t believe everything I hear about you!

3 We are GROWING strong READERS!
3rd Graders are required to pass the 3rd grade FCAT Reading test in order to be promoted to 4th grade. This is a state mandate. 3rd Graders are expected to read for 20 minutes each night. Each 3rd Grader has an A.R. Goal for each quarter. The goal is based on the child’s reading level.

4 3rd Grade Reading Research
3rd grade is a pivotal year for reading. 3rd grade reading achievement is the best indicator for predicting future success in school. Research shows the more time spent reading, the higher reading achievement. AR points are indicators of time spent reading. Progress Alerts will be sent home if AR goals are not being met.

5 Readers’ Workshop Teach and practice reading strategies
Students focus on an individualized strategy in order to become better readers. Read Aloud Shared Reading Independent Reading Guided Reading

6 Read to Self WHY? The best way to become a better reader is to practice each day, with books you choose, on your just-right level. It soon becomes a habit.

7 Read To Someone WHY? Reading to someone allows for more time to practice strategies, help you work on fluency and expression, check for understanding and to hear your own voice voice.


9 Word Work WHY? Correct spelling allows for more fluent writing, thus speeding up the ability to write and get thinking down on paper. This is an essential foundation for writers.

10 Writers’ Workshop! Use Writers’ Craft Mentor Text Modeling
Draft, Revise, Edit Publish Monthly Lithia Writes assessments will track growth. Exit Third Grade with a “3” or better

11 Math - 3 Big Ideas Develop understandings of multiplication and division and strategies for basic multiplication facts and related facts. Develop an understanding of fractions and fraction equivalence. Describe and analyze properties of two-dimensional shapes.

12 We are DIGGING into Science Fair Projects
Scientific Method is taught and practiced all year throughout our Science Units. Science Fair parent information brochure Take a look at the timeline.

13 SPROUTING Communication
Sign planners daily. Sign and return Tuesday folders by Wednesday morning. Communicate through planner or . Please review homework. NO TRANSPORTATION changes should be sent via .

14 Morning Show begins at 7:50 A.M.
If possible, please help your children arrive at school before 7:50 AM. Morning Show begins at 7:50 A.M. Time to prepare without stress. Instruction begins promptly after attendance is taken.

15 Parent Conferences – October 6th
Please sign up for a conference time before leaving this evening. Confirmations and reminders will be sent.

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