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8.4 Linear Programming p. 755 - 767.

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Presentation on theme: "8.4 Linear Programming p. 755 - 767."— Presentation transcript:

1 8.4 Linear Programming p

2 Optimization - Finding the minimum or maximum value of some quantity.
Linear programming is a form of optimization where you optimize an objective function with a system of linear inequalities called constraints. The overlapped shaded region is called the feasible region.

3 Solving a linear programming problem
Graph the constraints. Locate the ordered pairs of the vertices of the feasible region. If the feasible region is bounded (or closed), it will have a minimum & a maximum. If the region is unbounded (or open), it will have only one (a minimum OR a maximum). 4. Plug the vertices into the linear equation (C=) to find the min. and/or max.

4 A note about: Unbounded Feasible Regions
If the region is unbounded, but has a top on it, there will be a maximum only. If the region is unbounded, but has a bottom, there will be a minimum only.

5 Find the min. & max. values of C=-x+3y subject to the following constraints.
Vertices of feasible region: (2,8) C= -2+3(8)= 22 (2,0) C= -2+3(0)= -2 (5,0) C= -5+3(0)= -5 (5,2) C= -5+3(2)= 1 x  2 x  5 y  0 y  -2x+12 Max. of 22 at (2,8) Min. of -5 at (5,0)

6 Ex: C=x+5y Find the max. & min. subject to the following constraints
y2x+2 5x+y Vertices? (0,2) C=0+5(2)=10 (1,4) C=1+5(4)=21 Maximum only! Max of 21 at (1,4)

7 Assignment Homework to be graded – Due: Tuesday January 20, 2014
P. 765 – 767 Problems: 18, 20, 26, 34, 38, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 56, 62

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