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Vocabulary List 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary List 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary List 9

2 Phon Sound; voice

3 polis city

4 rupt To break

5 phonics The study of the sounds of letters

6 symphony A composition for a full orchestra

7 metropolitan Traits associated with a sizeable city or urban area

8 cosmopolitan Representative of all the world; at home in all countries

9 abruptly Broken off suddenly; curtly

10 disrupt To break apart; to disturb

11 Mis- badly

12 Ab- and abs- Away from

13 misconception A mistaken idea; misunderstanding

14 miscalculate To come up with the wrong answer

15 abstain To do without; to refrain from

16 abnormal Not like the majority; unusual

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