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Underground Railway The 4th Wave of Migration

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1 Underground Railway The 4th Wave of Migration
From Slavery to Freedom...

2 What is happening?

3 Underground Railway What was it?: A secret network of trails, safe houses and routes for escaped,“Black Slaves” to use to go to the USA and Canada (not really a railway underground) ____________ black slaves fled to Canada in the _______________________.

4 Map of Underground Escape Routes
Southern Ontario was the main haven for the runaways

5 Important Code Words/Terms
Conductor: people who helped the runaway slaves Station: hiding place Haven: safe place

6 Travelled at night Hid during the day

7 Important People Harriet Tubman: a runaway slave who helped about 300 blacks escape Levi Coffin: called the, “President of the UGRR” Henry Bibb: will learn about in upcoming video

8 Levi Coffin *From Indiana (home was on 3 major escape routes)
*Helped 3,000 + escape

9 Reward Ad

10 Fugitive Slave Law: 1850 Law that any captured slaves were to be returned to their masters Also, called the “Bloodhound Law” as bloodhound dogs were used to track down the runaways.

11 Works Consulted Websites:
accessed: Nov. 6th, 2012 accessed: Nov. 6th, 2012 Books/Print Documents: Blockson, Charles L. The Underground Railroad Reprint. Berkley Pubs., 1994. Hamilton, Virginia. Many Thousand Gone: African Americans from Slavery to Freedom. Knopf, 1993.

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