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Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick

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Presentation on theme: "Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick"— Presentation transcript:

1 Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick
chapters 1-5 The words with an asterisk will be your vocabulary words All pictures are from Google images.

2 *unvanquished—undefeated; unconquered

3 *microsecond—one-millionth of a second

4 mainstream—belonging to a widely accepted group

5 *fiend—someone who is extremely addicted

6 hunkering—crouching down

7 *humanoid—having human characteristics; resembling humans

8 *bulkhead—an outside door over a stairway, leading to a cellar

9 *ornithopter—an aircraft propelled by flapping wings

10 *propulsion—the action or process of propelling

11 *sobriquet--nickname

12 *demeanor—conduct; behavior

13 *postulated—assumed without proof; guessed

14 fair—pleasing in appearance; attractive; beautiful

15 quest—an adventurous expedition to achieve or secure something

16 *invincible—incapable of being conquered or defeated

17 ignorance—lack of knowledge, information, or learning

18 sophisticated—complex or intricate

19 opiate—a drug, sedative, or narcotic

20 massive—large and heavy-looking

21 hulking—heavy and clumsy; bulky

22 offended—caused hurt feelings

23 abide—put up with; tolerate; stand

24 *tenements—low rent apartment buildings that barely meet minimum standards

25 *spastic—(slang) clumsy or inept

26 flinch—draw or shrink back from what is dangerous or unpleasant

27 *depleted—used up; empty

28 expel—drive or force out; eject

29 *regurgitate—vomit; disgorge

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