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The rotational spectrum of the urea isocyanic acid complex

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1 The rotational spectrum of the urea isocyanic acid complex
John Mullaney Newcastle University

2 Urea Important uses in a wide range of industries
Biologically important Potential candidate for intermolecular bifurcated hydrogen bond

3 Experimental - Laser ablation with Nd:YAG, 532 nm, ~20 mJ per pulse to generate urea in gas phase - 1:1 copper to urea rods - Urea monomer signal significantly weaker using pure urea rods - Rod is constantly rotated and translated ~18 h ~36 h

4 Chirped-pulse Fourier transform microwave spectrometer (CP-FTMW)
- Nd:YAG laser ablates composite rod (copper and urea) - Argon carrier gas, 6 bar - Expansion in supersonic jet, gas sample passes over rod Vacuum chamber N. R. Walker et al., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16, 2014, 25221

5 60 50 40 30 20 10 424k averages, ablation of a 1:1 copper to urea rod with backing gas of Ar at 6 bar

6 J=11-10 urea-isocyanic acid
60 J=11-10 urea-isocyanic acid 50 40 30 20 10 424k averages, ablation of a 1:1 copper to urea rod with backing gas of Ar at 6 bar

7 Exp. ab initio [CO(NH2)2]2 planar A0 / MHz (11) 4615 5229 B0 / MHz (14) C0 / MHz (16) Δo / u Å2 -1.472 Pa / u Å2 Pb / u Å2 Pc / u Å2 0.7364 Initial search for urea dimer Inertia defect suggests planar structure Large disagreement with calculations

8 - Urea known to thermally decompose to form isocyanic acid and ammonia
- Similar experiments with imidazole (WC08) showed that fragments are formed - Fragments detected in previous experiments are usually CN containing, e.g. CH3CN - Urea known to thermally decompose to form isocyanic acid and ammonia 532 nm, Nd:YAG ~ 20 mJ/pulse

9 (H2N)2CO - HNCO Exp. B3LYP-D3/aug-cc-pVTZ A0 / MHz (11) B0 / MHz (14) C0 / MHz (16) Pa / u Å2 Pb / u Å2 Pc / u Å2 0.7364 0.6334 Good agreement with calculation Measurements of isotopologues necessary

10 (H2N)2CO - HNCO (H2N)213CO – HN13CO (D2N)2CO - DNCO (H2N)2C18O – HNC18O A0 / MHz (11) (17) (97) 9999.3(16) B0 / MHz (14) (12) (15) (20) C0 / MHz (16) (13) (16) (16) DJK / kHz 2.70(60) 2.27(15) 2.63(15) 2.36(17) DJ / Hz 177.2(24) 182.2(23) 154.7(25) 162.8(32) d1 / Hz -14.7(37) -15.1(28) -14.2(36) -15.7(42) N 24 20 27 21 σ / kHz 10.3 8.7 13.6 13.3 - 12 isotopologues of urea isocyanic acid, (H2N)2CO – HNCO, were measured

11 rs - isocyanic acid monomer*
B3LYP-D3/aug-cc-pVTZ MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ rs - isocyanic acid monomer* r(O---H) / Å 1.8196(66) 1.7531 1.7320 - r(CO) / Å 1.1657(32) 1.1696 1.1774 1.1664(8) r(NC) / Å 1.215(14) 1.2045 1.2152 1.2140(24) r(NH) / Å 1.024(17) 1.0336 1.0343 0.9946(64) 1.277(33) 1.2303 1.2325 NCO / o 166.8(22) 174.0 173.2 172.6(27) CNH / o 119.7(24) 129.2 128.2 123.9(17) * - K. Yamada, J. Mol. Spec., 79, 1980, 323.

12 Conclusions - Measured the rotational spectrum of urea – isocyanic acid Hydrogen bonding interaction present Future work investigating other organic dimers/metal containing complexes/heavier complexes

13 Acknowledgements Newcastle University Nick Walker Chris Medcraft Dror Bittner Luke Lewis-Borrell Bernard Golding University of Bristol Tony Legon

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