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The H & SC Sector Environment

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Presentation on theme: "The H & SC Sector Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 The H & SC Sector Environment
A Presentation to the Health and Social Care Services Network Services 10am @comwforest

2 Context Political instability Economic uncertainty Rising inflation
Brexit procurement & competition law working time directive Austerity, cuts to NHS & social care Neoliberal consensus – reducing government New funding models Neoliberal consensus understrain @comwforest

3 Responses Testing out of new models Strengthening communities
Social prescribing models Increased volunteering Reducing demand Community based services Increasing resilience Move to the electronic Social Investment Testing out of new models Strengthening communities (Placed based social action BLF/ DCMS. Participatory City B&D) Social prescribing models (recent govenmnet fund) Increase volunteering – youth (sport England, iwill – youth gvt & BLF fund, Nesta – older people @comwforest

4 Financial Pressure But, Consortia as a response?
Disappeared grant funding from statutory authorities, “replaced by”: Contracts, often too large for local organisations to tender for But, Consortia as a response? Engagement with the commissioning cycle …

5 CCG Commissioning cycle:
engagement with commissioners at all stages of the cycle CCG commissioning plan Notes the diversity of the Vol Sec and promises to: Strengthen relationships with individual organisations Meet them when services impact on people they represent Networking CCHG will also bring together primary care providers CCG will work with Public Health to strengthen links between providers & community & voluntary services to implement social prescribing Optimism? CCG Strategic plan @comwforest

6 Better Care Together A joint vision of the CCG & LA where:
Care is personalized Individuals are supported to be independent Pooled budget Bringing NHS, Council, Healthwatch, Vol sec, residents together Integration agenda Better care fund – pooled health & social care into a single fund - £18. m in the last financial year. @comwforest

7 Contact
Main office number: @comwforest

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