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Family and Community Engagement

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1 Family and Community Engagement
(FACE) Janet Pichardo, Director Presentation to Providence School Board March 28, 2018

2 FACE Vision and Mission
Family engagement successfully builds positive and respectful relationships between schools, families and communities through shared responsibility, meaningful engagement, thoughtful decision-making, and effective communication in order to provide every student with a quality education that prepares him/her for college, career and life. Mission To support student achievement through the implementation of strong family and community engagement strategies that ensure that all families are informed, involved and empowered.

3 FACE plays a key role in our District Strategic Plan
Supporting Schools to Increase Engagement & Reduce Chronic Absenteeism Building Capacity & Empowering Parents Increasing Outreach and Improving Service FACE plays a key role in our District Strategic Plan GOAL # 4 Providing Improved Services Chronic Absenteeism FACE staff deployment based on RFP process Family engagement planning support Family engagement resources and toolkit Monitor Title I/ESSA family engagement requirements for all schools Building Parent’s Capacity Providence Parent Academy (PPA) Rosetta Stone Program Leadership Training Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) support Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Providing limited translation/interpretation capacity to schools Increasing Outreach and Improving Service 2018 RIDE SurveyWorks Parent Survey Improved usage of Skyward Parent Portal

4 Parent Specialists Targeted Support
Schools % increase for all goals Parent Participation Goal: 20% ⇧ Parent Academy Goal: 20%⇧ SurveyWorks Goal: 25% ⇧ Skyward usage Goal: 15% ⇧ Volunteers Goal: % ⇧ PROGRESS Overall Meeting Goals Broad St. Carnevale Lima Lauro Sackett Veazie Stuart Evolution 360 Parent Specialist role Parent Specialists support family engagement in schools targeting key strategies. They partner with school principals, parent engagement teams and attendance teams to reduce chronic absenteeism, increase family engagement and to ensure compliance with Title I/ESSA funding. They connect with families to help understand the importance of attendance, identify challenges families may be facing and offer necessary supports. Anthony Carnevale School Testimonial “We are so proud to have Youa as our Parent Specialist for an increased amount of time. She has brought more parents to our monthly Parent Engagement Committee meetings which has led to more parents being involved in planning and running school events. Our SurveyWorks! Parent Survey submissions have skyrocketed to over 100 with her continued commitment to our school community! She has helped increase our volunteers at our school and assist with personal calls to improve student attendance.  She is a great asset to our school and hope we can keep her permanent at our school. ” Ranking: Green= On track Yellow= Pending data Red = Need improvement

5 Building Capacity & Empowering Parents
Providence Parent Academy (PPA) SY 17-18 Providence Parent Academy (PPA) SY 17-18 Overall Goals 400 attendees 28 courses 8 locations 2 sessions offered in Spanish only Parent Quote Fall PPA: “My son has been in schools in Illinois and Florida. Providence is by far the best. I plan on keeping him in Providence Schools until he graduates and goes on to college” Fall PPA Nov-Dec ‘17 186 attendees 9 courses 5 locations 95% satisfied with courses Spring PPA March-May ‘18 Attendees - Too early to report 19 courses (2 sessions in Spanish only) 3 locations Satisfaction – Too early to report

6 Increasing Outreach and Improving Services
2017 RIDE SurveyWorks 2018 RIDE SurveyWorks 1,645 PPSD parents responded RIDE-Parent Outreach Design Team helped to provide input on challenges and recommendations for increase response rate SurveyWorks in progress from January 16-March 30 Schools, community friends and parent groups actively helping to increase parent participation

7 Increasing Outreach and Improving Services
Summer of Learning Passport FACE is one of the participating locations on the Summer of Learning Passport. This effort supports families during the summer to decrease student summer learning loss. Inspiring Minds Examining implications of diminished capacity of Inspiring Minds to recruit and train community members interested in volunteering in our schools. Increasing Outreach and Improving Services

8 Volunteers Current SY 17-18
Volunteers SY 16-17 293 (FACE) % ** 356 (INSPIRING MINDS) 60%** **from SY 15-16 Volunteers Current SY 17-18 261 (FACE) 194 (INSPIRING MINDS) VOLUNTEERS IN SCHOOLS Volunteer Board Policy is under review. Building from our current family volunteer process, in Nov we launched a Volunteer Program for Families. Volunteer Board Policy is under review to improve systems and set clear expectations for district staff and stakeholders - Parents, Community Partners and University and High School students. Building from our existing family volunteer process, in Nov we launched a Volunteer Program for Families. It includes a Mandatory Volunteer Training for any parent interested in volunteering. Trainings are offered monthly (mornings and evenings). Based on capacity, additional sessions are offered at school request. A total of 293 family members volunteered in schools during the SY. (FACE). A total of 356 volunteers were placed by Inspiring Minds a decreased of 60% over the year before. As of March 2018 we have approved 261 family members as volunteers. A total of 194 community members have been placed by Inspiring Minds.

9 McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Homeless & ESSA Families)
Amendment Impact Significant increase Last amendment of the McKinney Vento Act included the support to ESSA - Foster Care children 228 total families in academic year 167 families have been identified and served as of December 2017 73% increase compared to previous year over the same period of time

10 Forward thinking opportunities
Continue partnership with RIDE-Family Engagement Design Team Solicit and leverage parent input from district Parent Advisory Council (PAC) , PTO’s and parents in general to improve services and inform policy changes Create opportunities to bring speakers with national and regional recognition to showcase best practices among our schools on how to engage and support ALL families Engage in work group discussions for the implementation of district initiatives including Multi-tiered Systems of Support for Social Emotional Learning, Chronic Absenteeism Awareness Campaign, etc. #3 including English Language Learners and Special Education families

11 Forward thinking opportunities
Assist the Communication and Technology teams to explore opportunities to maximize the usage of our existing systems (Skyward –Family Portal-Attendance Information, etc.) Leverage effective family engagement strategies with School Culture Coordinators efforts Perfecting tracking systems with RPA to evaluate strategic planning metrics Collaborate with Operations to conduct targeted outreach, in collaboration with Principals, to incoming K families to “on board them” immediately following the student assignment process.

12 Questions

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