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Final Review!.

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1 Final Review!

2 #1. 1. Which of the following is the best definition of the word fit in terms of evolution? A. Being in shape B. Being the fastest, strongest, or smartest C. Being apply to pass on your genes D. You cannot tell. It depends on the organism 2. Do we have proof of evolution happening? A. Yes B. No C. It depends on your opinion 3. Who is credited with first getting the mechanism of evolution correct? A. Darwin B. Lamarck C. Wallace D. Mendel 4. The change in species over time is: A. Survival of the Fittest B. Natural Selection C. Hardy-Weinberg Gene Flow D. Evolution 5. What is the ultimate driving force behind evolution? A. A species struggles to survive B. A changing environment C. The will of the individuals in a species to survive D. Migration

3 #2. 6. Which species below is most closely related to humans?
A. Orangutan B. Chimpanzee C. Bear D. Horse 7. All of the different skin colors can be described by the mechanics of evolution. A. True B. False 8. A lot of “new” traits in an individual arise from a changing of that individual’s genetic code from the norm. Name two of the three ways.     9. Please explain how Darwin and Lamarck would explain the development of the long trunk on an elephant.  Darwin Lamarck    According to Darwin, explain what might have happened in the environment that could have facilitated (helped lead to) the long trunk. Be specific.

4 #3. True or False 1. Evolution is as much a fact as the fact that planets go around the Sun. 2. Evolution is something a person should either believe in, or not believe in. 3. Evolution is a process that includes the origin of life. 4. Evolution is primarily concerned with the origin of humans. 5. According to evolution, people came from monkeys a long time ago. 6. Evolution was first proposed and explained by Charles Darwin. 7. Evolution is something that happened only in the past; it is not happening now.

5 #4. 8. Evolution is something that happens to individual organisms.
9. In order to accept evolution as a real process, you cannot believe in God. 10. Evolution is only a theory. 11. Evolution is like a chain, with each group of organisms evolving into the next “link” in the chain. 12. Evolution has been tested and challenged many times, but has always been supported by the results. 13. Evolution involves individuals changing in order to adapt to their environment. 14. The formation of complex structures, like the eye, can now be easily explained by evolution.

6 Points of Emphasis! Gel Electrophoresis
Structure and Function in regards to evolution Basic Mechanism of Evolution Symbiosis – Mutualism, Predation, Parasitism, Commensalism, Amensalism, Competition Basic Foodwebs Reading Graphs and Charts Especially with Regards to Biomes Cladograms DNA Replication Protein Synthesis

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