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Lord of the Flies Ch. 1-3 Assignment

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1 Lord of the Flies Ch. 1-3 Assignment
This is due by the beginning of next class No group or partner work / No talking! When you are finished, you may quietly read.

2 Ch. 1-3 Assignment – Due at the beginning of next class
Part I Write a full main idea for each chapter (chapters 1, 2, and 3) – To create the main idea, ask yourself what is the overall point or message to each chapter. You will have three main ideas total – 1 per chapter. Title each with the appropriate chapter number. Each main idea should be a complete sentence. Underneath each main idea, list three details that support the main idea and that come from the specific chapter. Think of the details as “examples.” Continue using complete sentences for the details; however, list them as bullet points under the main ideas and chapter number.

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