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Using Statistics in Biology

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1 Using Statistics in Biology

2 Histogram

3 Mean (x̄) is a measure of the central tendency of a set of data.
Ex. Calculate the mean. Answer = 11.6

4 Graphing the Mean  Bar Graph

5 Error bars are a graphical representation of the variability of data.

6 Measures of Variability
Range: difference between largest/smallest values in data set Standard deviation (s) is a measure of the spread of most of the data

7 68% of all data fall within ± 1 standard deviation of the mean


9 Measurements of Confidence
Uncertainty: the margin of error in a measurement Eg. digital scale: 126.4g (±0.1g)

10 Standard Error of the Mean (SE or SEM): measures how close the sample mean is to the population mean
The greater the sample size, the less the uncertainty in the calculations

11 95% confidence interval (95% CI):
95% confident that the true means falls between 2 SE above/below calculated mean Graph with error bars representing SE of the mean Graph with error bars representing 95% confidence interval

12 Significance of Data Which graph shows two means that are significantly different? Hint: Look for the non-overlapping error bars. Answer: The means in (c) are statistically different.


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