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Matrix metalloproteinase inhibition reduces intimal hyperplasia in a porcine arteriovenous-graft model  Joris I Rotmans, MD, Evelyn Velema, BSc, Hence.

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Presentation on theme: "Matrix metalloproteinase inhibition reduces intimal hyperplasia in a porcine arteriovenous-graft model  Joris I Rotmans, MD, Evelyn Velema, BSc, Hence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matrix metalloproteinase inhibition reduces intimal hyperplasia in a porcine arteriovenous-graft model  Joris I Rotmans, MD, Evelyn Velema, BSc, Hence J.M Verhagen, MD, PhD, Jan D Blankensteijn, MD, PhD, Dominique P.V de Kleijn, PhD, Erik S.G Stroes, MD, PhD, Gerard Pasterkamp, MD, PhD  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 39, Issue 2, Pages (February 2004) DOI: /j.jvs

2 Fig 1 ePTFE graft between the carotid artery and the internal jugular vein. Journal of Vascular Surgery  , DOI: ( /j.jvs )

3 Fig 2 A, Frontal view. V-1 is the jugular vein located 1 cm proximal of the anastomosis. V-2 is the center of the anastomosis. V-3 is the jugular vein 1 cm distal of the anastomosis. B, Cross section of the anastomosis (V-2). Intimal hyperplasia is situated at the facing vein (1 = cushioning region) and at the edge of the ePTFE graft (2 = shoulder region). Journal of Vascular Surgery  , DOI: ( /j.jvs )

4 Fig 3 Representative gelatin zymographic analysis of protein extracts obtained from jugular and femoral veins of control pigs at 28 days. Lane one, recombinant MMP-9; lane two, recombinant MMP-2; lane three, tissue extract femoral vein; lane four, tissue extract left jugular vein at 28 days; lane five, tissue extract right jugular vein at 28 days. Note, the molecular weights of porcine MMP-2 and MMP-9 are slightly smaller then the molecular weights of human recombinant MMP-2 and MMP-9. Journal of Vascular Surgery  , DOI: ( /j.jvs )

5 Fig 4 A, Representative Elastin von Gieson-stained 5-μm section of a venous anastomosis of a BB2983-treated pig and an untreated pig (B) (original magnification, 12.5×). C, Detail of Elastin von Gieson-stained section of a BB2983-treated pig and an untreated pig (D), showing elastic fibers in black (original magnification, 100×). E, Detail of α-actin smooth muscle cell-stained section (original magnification, 200×). F, Picro-Sirius-stained section of venous anastomosis, visualized with polarized light (original magnification, 12.5×). Journal of Vascular Surgery  , DOI: ( /j.jvs )

6 Fig 5 A, Densitometric analysis of elastin area of grafted veins from untreated pigs (n = 12) and BB2983-treated pigs (n = 11). Control veins are jugular veins of pigs without AV graft. B, Densitometric analysis of collagen density of grafted veins from untreated pigs (n = 12) and BB2983-treated pigs (n = 11). Journal of Vascular Surgery  , DOI: ( /j.jvs )

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