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Commonly misused words

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Presentation on theme: "Commonly misused words"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commonly misused words
Week 1

2 Accept v.s. Except Accept (v.): to take or receive something
Example: The daughter accepted the gifts, rose, and kiss from her mother. Except (prep.): with the exclusion of; excluding Example: You may use all electronic devices except for cell phones.

3 Affect v.s. Effect Affect (v.): to act on, produce change; to impress the mind or move the feelings of Example: The music affected him deeply, so deeply that he was moved to tears. Effect (n.): something produced by a cause; consequence; result Example: For many, the effect of smoking is cancer.

4 Break v.s. Brake Break (v.): to damage something
(n.): the damage itself Example: My mom warned me that I would break my arm if I wasn’t careful. Brake (n.): a device that causes something to slow down Example: I had to purchase a new set of brakes for my car.

5 Sight vs. Site vs. Cite Sight (n): refers to something that is
seen or the power or process of seeing Example: The sight of the fish made the cat hungry. Site (n): the exact location of an event, structure, object, or other thing Example: The site of the blue beach was amazing.

6 Sight vs. Site vs. Cite (cont.)
Cite (v): to quote; to mention in support, proof, or confirmation Example: This book explains how to cite sources in a term paper.

7 Fair vs. fare Fair (adjective) Attractive; beautiful.
Example. Romeo experienced love at first sight when he saw the fair Juliet. Light-colored. Example. Her skin is so fair; she gets sun burned easily. “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” 3. Legal; within bounds. Example. The umpire determined the ball was fair, so the runner raced to first base. 4. Just; unbiased. Example. Atticus Finch was know to be a fair man.

8 Fair vs. Fare Fair (Noun)
A church function or bazaar; a carnival Example: I look forward to the Armada Fair every year.

9 Fair vs. Fare Fare (Noun) Money paid for transportation
example: The taxi fare was more than I thought it would be. 2. Food served. example: The health food restaurant served very nutritious fare.

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