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DiÁlogo cumulative 1B.

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1 DiÁlogo cumulative 1B

2 DiÁlogo cumulativo Create a dialogue with at least 14 lines (7 lines per person) meeting a new person. Your conversation should demonstrate your mastery of topics covered in chapter 1A and 1B. Pero, ¡espera un minuto! What topics did we cover in Chapters 1A and 1B? -En la clase -Saludos/ Despedidas -Geografía -Números -Tiempo

3 DiÁlogo cumulativo What are the requirements?
Meet each other appropriately. Ask and Answer at least 3 questions EACH (so 6 total). Think about the questions we learned in the context of the vocabulary topics. Give a goodbye. DiÁlogo cumulativo What are the requirements?

4 DiÁlogo cumulativo How will we be graded?
Answers 3 questions appropriately 5, 4, 3, 2 Asks 3 questions appropriately 5, 4, 3, 2 Comprehensibility -pronunciation -fluency, intonation 5, 4, 3, 2 Coverage of all topics 5, 4, 3, 2

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