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Where in the world?.

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Presentation on theme: "Where in the world?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where in the world?


3 Back to back task: one partner faces the board and describes the image, the other facing the back of the room with 4 colouring pencils, a pencil and their book.

4 2) Why might India be increasingly important in the global economy?
1) Describe the graph using TRRAC Trend Result Reason Anomaly Comparison 2) Why might India be increasingly important in the global economy?

5 Key terms Graduate Information technology Entrepreneur Costs Benefits
Lesson objectives: To be able to explain why Bangalore has a growing role in the global economy Key terms Graduate Information technology Entrepreneur Costs Benefits

6 Bangalore 3rd most populous city in India – 8.4 million people
Literacy rate of 89% compared to 62% nationally Known for its IT and engineering colleges India plans to increase its graduate rate to 30% by 2025

7 Task Use the spider diagram below to write a paragraph explaining why IT jobs might be relocated to India.

8 Booming Bangalore Where is Bangalore?
How has Bangalore changed since 1970? What TNCs have located in Bangalore? Why have they located here? How does the IT industry contribute to the global economy? What is an entrepreneur? What benefits does Bangalore have for entrepreneurs?

9 Discuss the reasons for India’s growth in the global economy (9 marks)
The global economy is… Bangalore contributes to the global economy by… The first reason for it’s growth is… Secondly… However…

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