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Primary to Post-Primary

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1 Primary to Post-Primary
Transition Issues 24th June 2008

2 Transition… ‘The transition is a change on a scale that makes transfer from first to second level a significant life event’ (O’Brien, M., 2004). It involves a triple transition From a familiar school environment to a new one From familiar friendships and peer groups to new peer groupings The developmental move from childhood to adolescence

3 Slides 10 and 11 Moving Up -ESRI/NCCA 2004

4 ESRI/NCCA Study of 900 pupils in First Year…
Most settle in by end of first week 25% settle by end of first month 1 in 6 take longer than that Difficulties Girls take longer than boys to settle Students who are less self-confident and have a more negative view of themselves Ethnic minorities including Travellers Students have both positive and negative feelings about moving to post-primary school. Most tend to feel excited but nervous – moving from the familiar to the unfamiliar. Main changes More teachers/subjects. Different teachers for different subjects Scale – possibly moving from a small school ( 2-3 teachers) to a large school, from same teacher/classroom to coping with timetable that requires classes to move at the end of each class period, having correct books for subjects, finding their way around - map Longer day Homework for different teachers

5 Post-primary schools Pre-entry contact
Open day – 5th and 6th class pupils/parents Visit primary feeder schools Meeting between 6th class teacher and PP personnel – students’ achievement, learning strengths and material covered at primary level Tests – before or after entry to identify students who need learning support, to assign students to classes Home school links – accessible information Home School Community Liaison Co-ordinator School Completion Programme – Transfer programmes Transfer of information / Data Protection issues S. 28 of Education Welfare Act as quoted in Assessment Guidelines p. 96 places a responsibility on the principal to pass on information regarding the welfare of a child to other professionals involved in supporting his/her education. Should schools get parents to sign consent form to pass on records to secondary school?

6 Induction Positive school climate – encourage good relationships among students and between students and teachers Induction day at the start of the school year Role of class tutor/year head Student mentor scheme Clear and effective code of behaviour and anti bullying policy Extra curricular activities

7 Helping with settling in (students)
Moving Up, pp.241 & 242 Social networks – having friends from primary school, being involved in extra curricular activities and having an older brother or sister in the school were seen by students as helping them to settle into post-primary school. Nearly two thirds of students saw school personnel – class tutor, student mentors or subject teachers as playing a key role in their transition. Moving Up -ESRI/NCCA 2004

8 Post-primary schools Differ in how they structure the learning process for first-year students Mixed ability groupings - students develop during the year, promote positive attitudes - more confident as learners Streaming in a minority of schools – less common than in the 1990s Labelling Teachers moving too quickly or too slowly when covering subject material Students in higher stream classes take longer to settle – increased pace / volume Lower streams – less progress in reading and maths during first year Positive attitude diminishes over the course of first year – less positive about school, teachers, own academic abilities

9 Opportunity to try out different subjects before selecting ones for the Junior Cert (no negative effect on students’ progress in reading and maths or on how well they settle in) Delay subject selection until end of first year Taster programmes In 1/5 of schools students choose their subjects before or immediately on entry Minority of schools - no choice of subjects Monitoring of student progress More progress in reading and mathematics where there is an emphasis on settling in 10% got learning support Students with SEN - IEPs

10 Curriculum It is important that subject teachers understand the teaching and learning approaches that characterise students’ experiences in primary schools When post-primary teachers are familiar with the Primary School Curriculum they can help students to make connections with and build on the learning that has taken place in primary school ESRI study identified a mismatch between the primary and post-primary curricula - especially Irish, English, Maths. Positive about new subjects especially those with more practical elements – Technology etc. Only half of post primary teachers feel they are familiar with the primary school curriculum. Almost 1/3 of students say that many subjects in first year repeat what they have already learned in primary school

11 Principles of Primary Curriculum
Integration Unique individuals Learn in different ways Active involvement Skills and concepts as well as content Holistic development – personal, social, academic Need to experience success – life long learners

12 Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE)
Language Gaeilge English Mathematics Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (SESE) History Geography Science Arts Education Visual Arts Music Drama Physical Education Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) Religious Education The curriculum is presented in 7 curriculum areas – some of which are further divided into subjects. For example the subjects history, geography and science are grouped together as SESE. You will see from the curriculum books that each area is colour coded. The development of curriculum for rel ed remains the responsibility of the different church authorities.

13 Post-Primary Fact Sheets
NCCA website: Information for 6th class parents, pupils, teachers to inform them about subjects at post primary level

14 Transition – some issues
Recurring event A complex stage for students Opportunities and challenges Needs good planning

15 Transition issues Workshop

16 Workshop What practices in your schools promote positive experiences for all first year students? Are there practices that could be improved? Whole school Subject departments Individual teachers Positive experiences for all students, including students with special needs students with exceptional ability students for whom English or Irish is not their first language students who have difficulty settling in to their new school? Consider Curriculum issues Organisational issues Pastoral care issues Additional activity: Individual reflection/homework: Devise an action plan for you rschool/subject department in relation to transition arrangements.

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