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We use models to represent Earth Systems

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Presentation on theme: "We use models to represent Earth Systems"— Presentation transcript:


2 We use models to represent Earth Systems

3 WHAT IS A MODEL? “a representation of a real phenomenon that is difficult to observe directly” used to explain and predict the behavior of real objects or systems

4 Models Physical – 3d models you can touch
Graphical – used to show things (maps, charts) Conceptual – verbal or graphical explanation of how a system works or is organized Mathematical – equations that represent the way a system or process works

5 Physical Model

6 Graphical Model

7 Conceptual Model


9 WHAT IS A SYSTEM? “a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole”

10 SYSTEM BOUNDARIES What are they? Example

11 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Where do we start?

12 Earth Systems

13 Earth Systems

14 Earth Systems

15 Earth Systems

16 Earth Systems

17 Earth Systems

18 Earth Systems

19 Earth Systems

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