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Mickey Chiu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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1 Mickey Chiu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Single Spin Transverse Asymmetries of Neutral Pions at Forward Rapidities in s=62 GeV Polarized Proton Collisions at RHIC Mickey Chiu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2 PHENIX Muon Piston Calorimeter Upgrade
Density 8.28 g/cm3 Size 2.2x2.2x18 cm3 Length 20 X0, 0.92  Weight 721.3 g Moliere radius 2.0 cm Radiation Length 0.89 cm Interaction Length 22.4 cm Light Yield ~10 25 C Temp. Coefficient -2% / C Radiation Hardness 1000 Gy Main Emission Lines , 500 nm Refractive Index 2.16 SOUTH Small cylindrical hole in Muon Magnet Piston, Radius 22.5 cm and Depth 43.1 cm

3 An Idea of Ken Imai and Yuji Goto in 1996!
Rediscovered recently by UIUC and ORNL group (M. Perdekamp, T. Awes, and MC) Many hurdles, but main one was satisfying the muon tracker group that the new detector would not increase the backgrounds significantly in the tracker. Elegant solution chosen in which PHENIX leveraged expertise, design, and equipment from Kurchatov and Hiroshima collaborators on PHENIX and PHOS (Alice) Implementation possible on a very fast time-scale

4 Present & Future PHENIX Acceptance for Calorimetry
MPC NCC EMCAL f coverage p EMCAL rapidity Addition of MPC increases PHENIX acceptance for calorimetry by a factor of 4 (with a detector more than 10 times smaller) Especially important that the very forward region (>3) is covered Along with Nose-Cone Calorimeter, it would give PHENIX very good calorimetry coverage.

5 FermiLab Test Beam Results
FNAL Meson Test Beam Facility FNAL MTBF: Secondary beam with electron/hadron identification Energy Resolution is at worst 14%/E Analysis is ongoing… Improved Calibrations, Shower Shape extraction

6 January 2006 MPC South Installation
May 11, 1st 0 peak Muon Piston Calorimeter (MPC) Run06 Summary Only South Side Installed, 192 PbWO4 crystals with APD readout About 12 crystals/APDs did not function Some problems with noisy electronics Cannot fix since they are in an inaccessible region of the detector Better than 80% of the acceptance is okay.

7 South MPC Run06 MIP and 0 Peak
MIP Peak PbWO4 -dE/dx = 13 MeV/cm  MIP peak sits at ~234 MeV Along with 0, mass peak position, should allow us to set and confirm energy scale

8 South MPC Acceptance =3.7 =3.1 Generated 10K single photons of 10 GeV at South MPC, flat in phi and theta in PISA to look at the response. Coverage is from 3.1<<3.7 with (almost) full acceptance in phi.

9 Fwd 0 xF distribution, Run06 62 GeV
PYTHIA based study, 0.02/pb 62.4 GeV At 200 GeV, PYTHIA gives same cross-section as that measured by STAR At 62 this is not yet known if PYTHIA also matches the forward 0 cross-section This assumes a perfect detector, which the MPC is not (Run06 was commissioning run) Acceptance includes smearing effect from z-vertex dist, and 30 cm cut, but not detector noisy/dead areas, or reconstruction efficiencies.

10 MPC Left-Right Transverse Asymmetry
yellow blue Asymmetry seen in yellow beam (positive xF), but not in blue (negative xF) Only 10% of total statistics from 62 GeV Transverse Run Simple 3x3 tower sum clustering, with no overlap shower splitting Cuts: mass>0.01 && mass<0.30 && high “energy”

11 MPC 62 GeV Transverse Raw Asymmetries
yellow blue yellow blue asymmetry in yellow (+xF) consistent with 0 in blue (-xF) increases with energy

12 MPC 62 GeV Long. Raw Asymmetries
yellow blue yellow blue Asymmetry disappears in longitudinal collisions. All analysis done exactly identically.

13 North MPC Installation and start-up tuning is on-going this week and next Smaller beam-pipe in the north 220 crystals, larger acceptance (3.1<<3.9) More uniform azimuthal coverage

14 Summary and Status New electromagnetic calorimeter (MPC) has been installed into PHENIX for Run06 on a short time scale, giving coverage for 0 at forward rapidities Very important to confirm results from other experiments Data Sets from Run06 200 GeV Transverse (~0/pb) – Very little useful data, due to late arrival of electronics 200 GeV Longitudinal (7.5/pb) – forward 0 ALL, di-hadron ALL 62 GeV Transverse (20/nb) – Raw Asymmetries seen from 2-3 days data, commissioning as a local polarimeter 62 GeV Longitudinal (80/nb) – Unique data set at RHIC. Currently installing North MPC, with slightly larger acceptance, and with lessons from the South, to be ready for the beginning of Run07 (cooldown on Dec. 1).


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