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Friday Sept 8th 2017 Agenda: Application of Perspectives Jobs practice

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1 Friday Sept 8th 2017 Agenda: Application of Perspectives Jobs practice Quiz More perspectives practice! Homework: Test on Monday and Vocab due Monday Learning Target: I will be able to apply my knowledge of module 1-3

2 Which Perspective? I study how people of all ages learn, and I develop instructional methods and materials to help the learning process. In particular, I stress the roles played by thinking, problem- solving, memory and mental imagery

3 Which Perspective? I work mostly with people who suffer from mental disorders, and I believe that the main causes of mental illness are either genetic or due to some malfunction in the central nervous system or endocrine system.

4 Which Perspective? I often travel to different countries to research people’s attitudes and group relations. My research tends to show that many behavioral patterns; for instance, the amount of personal space people require to feel comfortable, vary from one country to another. Credit - Amy Koch: Raleigh Charter High School, NC

5 Which Perspective? I believe that unconscious conflicts, early childhood experiences, and repressed sexual and aggressive feelings make us who we are, and I use this point of view in my work on individual differences and in trying to determine which characteristics make each of us unique. Credit - Amy Koch: Raleigh Charter High School, NC

6 Which Perspective? I focus on how people strive to overcome obstacles that disrupt their normal growth potential and impair their self-esteem. I believe strongly in free will and choice in human behavior. Credit - Amy Koch: Raleigh Charter High School, NC

7 Which Perspective? My research keeps me in the lab most of the time, and I focus on the principles and conditions of learning and motivation. Recently, I have been investigating how quickly rats learn the layout of a maze as a function of either large or small amounts of reinforcement. Credit - Amy Koch: Raleigh Charter High School, NC

8 Which Perspective? Psychological processes that have helped individuals adapt to their environment have also helped them to survive, reproduce, and pass those abilities to their offspring. I adopt this point of view in my investigations of interpersonal attractions, prejudice, and aggression. Credit - Amy Koch: Raleigh Charter High School, NC

9 I study the relationship between people and work, and more specifically, how to increase productivity. I believe that by changing environmental factors, increasing the use of rewards and praise for correct behavior, and providing correct feedback, worker’s overt behavior can be changed. Who Am I?

10 Industrial/Organizational Psychologist
Applied Industrial/Organizational Psychologist

11 Who Am I? I specialize in the measurement of behavior using statistics
I am particularly skilled at using statistical procedures to develop reliable, valid, and culture-fair tests Who Am I?

12 Psychometrics Psychologist
Research Psychometrics Psychologist

13 Who Am I? I combine psychology and product design
I guide users in how to use particular products, to prevent foreseeable misuse, and to give consumers the best possible experience with the product. Who Am I?

14 Human Factors Psychologist
Applied Human Factors Psychologist (The engineers of psychology)

15 I am work to investigate a variety of basic behavioral processes.
I work primarily in a specific area, such as memory, language, or animal studies Who Am I?

16 Experimental Psychologist
Research Experimental Psychologist

17 I am an experimental psychologist who typically researches behavior changes occurring across the life span that are due to maturation and development I research from “womb to tomb” Who Am I?

18 Developmental Psychologist
Research Developmental Psychologist Subfields Child psychology Adolescent psychology Life-span psychology

19 I often work with clientele whose problems are of a moderate degree
I also can specialize in marital or family counseling Who Am I?

20 Counseling Psychologist
Applied Counseling Psychologist

21 Who Am I? I work within the criminal justice system
I testify on the psychological competence of defendants, explain psychological disorders I assist in the selection of police officers and help emergency responders cope with job stress Who Am I?

22 Forensic Psychologist
Applied Forensic Psychologist

23 Who Am I? I am a part of the largest group of practitioners
I am involved in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders My duties include psychological testing, interviewing, and therapy Who Am I?

24 Clinical Psychologists
Applied Clinical Psychologists

25 I am involved in teacher training, curriculum design, and other related educational processes
Who am I?

26 Educational Psychologist
Applied Educational Psychologist

27 I examine the ways in which behavior and mental processes are related to physical health
I try to understand why some people follow their doctor’s advice, while others do not. Who Am I?

28 Research Health Psychologist

29 I deal with the relationship of an individual to their community and wider society
I research social justice, empowerment, diversity, and citizen participation Who Am I?

30 Community Psychologist
Research Community Psychologist

31 I am concerned with social, intellectual, and emotional development of elementary and secondary students I work with children, parents, and teachers I often test students for special programs Who Am I?

32 Applied School Psychologist

33 I am interested in how people think, perceive, remember, and learn (and how to improve those things)
My study is related to the study of neuroscience and linguistics Who Am I?

34 Cognitive Psychologist
Research Cognitive Psychologist

35 Psychology Careers Psychologists - Assess and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders with therapy ex. Experimental Psychologists (Rat Guys) and School Counselors Psychiatrists – Assess and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders with drug therapy ex: Medical Doctors licensed to prescribe drugs

You have 10 minutes to take the quiz We will go over answers after

37 Prepare for test Open Blackboard Unit Notes Use Quizlet
Test (35 m/c questions) Hand in Reading Guide (31 terms) Open Blackboard Unit Notes Use Quizlet

38 Unit 1 Vocabulary Remaining time-work on this and prepare for test.
Natural selection Levels of analysis Biopsychosocial approach Evolutionary psychology Psychodynamic psychology Behavioral psychology Cognitive psychology Empiricism Structuralism Functionalism Experimental psychology Behaviorism Humanistic psychology Cognitive neuroscience Psychology Nature-nurture issue

39 Vocab Social-cultural psychology Psychometrics Basic research
Developmental psychology Educational psychology Personality psychology Social psychology Applied research Industrial-organizational psychology Human factors psychology Counseling psychology Clinical psychology Psychiatry SQ3R FIN

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