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Selective Migration? Pierre Buekens, MD, PhD.

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Presentation on theme: "Selective Migration? Pierre Buekens, MD, PhD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selective Migration? Pierre Buekens, MD, PhD

2 Selective Migration “Healthy migrant effect”: Migrants could be healthier than compatriots who do not migrate (Marmot et al. 1984).

3 Infant Mortality OR Landale et al., 2000

4 Infant Mortality “…the results from the pooled analysis are more consistent with an emphasis on selective migration than an emphasis on protective cultural content.” Landale et al., 2000

5 Infant Mortality “There may be problems of access to or quality of neonatal intensive care in Puerto Rico. Consequently, high-risk newborns in the United States may be more likely than high-risk newborns in Puerto Rico to receive the medical interventions necessary to ensure their survival (Becerra at al., 1989).” Landale et al., 2000

6 Low Birth Weight % Landale et al., 2000

7 Low Birth Weight % Weeks et al., 1999

8 Low Birth Weight OR Weeks et al., 1999

9 Notzon F, Bobadilla JL, Coria I. Am J Public Health 1992;82:1014-1017.
Birthweight Distributions in Mexico City and Among US Southwest Mexican Americans: The Effect of Altitude Notzon F, Bobadilla JL, Coria I. Am J Public Health 1992;82:

10 Low Birth Weight % Notzon et al., 1992

11 Low Birth Weight % Notzon et al., 1992

12 Low Birth Weight 1981-88 Belgian birth certificates
% Buekens et al., 1998

13 Birthweight Distributions 1981-88 Belgian birth certificates
Buekens et al., 1998

14 Ceuta, North Africa Spanish territory on the Moroccan Coast
Birthweight of singletons born at term: Moroccan origin: 3428g (non smokers: 3430g) Spanish origin: g (non smokers: 3318g) Martinez Cortes et al., 1992

15 Selective Migration? The effect of selective migration on birth outcomes might be relatively small. Selection might be complex: High risk linked to poverty and deprivation Low risk linked to resilience and healthy migrant effect.

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