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The Cloud Penguins and the Bad Idea

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1 The Cloud Penguins and the Bad Idea
Written by Joanna Gochuico

2 Character List (They don’t like when you confuse their names)
Jeffrey (Leader Penguin) Samson (I Have a [bad] Idea) Julius (I-Cloned; II-Clone) Corey (Chubbster) Arnold (Always Happy) Howard and Terry (Identical Dragon Twins)

3 How about we make a clone?
Once upon a time, lived Jeffrey and the cloud penguins. Jeffrey and his penguin friends were having a boring day in the clouds. After awhile of conversing about what to do that afternoon, Samson had a great idea. “How about we make a clone?” Everyone agreed that it was a cool idea. Making clones wasn’t really hard to do in the clouds, but it was illegal. The town didn’t want too many of the same penguin because obviously that would be problematic. Since they were so bored, they were willing to take the chance. ! ! How about we make a clone? ! !

4 Samson waddled over to Julius and picked a feather off of the top of his head. He carefully planted it in the cloud and waited ten seconds. Then pulled out his fishing rod and pulled up a clone of Julius from the top of his head. Cory and Arnold were amazed. All six penguins decided they would go see what fun they could have with two of the same penguin.

5 The first prank they tried to pull was really funny
The first prank they tried to pull was really funny. Julius I went into the store and asked the manager for a napkin. Then he would leave and Julius II asked for a napkin. After 3-4 times this occurred, the manger finally exploded and yelled, “Get out!” The manager was so very angry that he called security. All the penguins got a good laugh from the prank until the police penguins came waddling over. GET OUT! Hehehe.

6 We will separate you two when you learn how to behave in the clouds!
“Hey!” said the first police penguin. “They’re clones!” The two police penguins then grabbed the two Julius’s and tied them together using stardust. Stardust can change into any shape and it forms some of the strongest bonds. The police are the only ones that can break the bonds using a special laser. That’s what all the police say at least. “We will separate you two when you learn how to behave in the clouds!” And the police waddled off. Uh oh! We will separate you two when you learn how to behave in the clouds!

7 “We can’t have any fun if the Julius’s are attached to each other
“We can’t have any fun if the Julius’s are attached to each other! How are we going to separate them?” All the penguins complained. “I’ve got an idea,” said Jeffrey, “Let’s call our dragon friends to help us out.” Jeffrey flew to the nearest telephone and called his friends Howard and Terry. “We’ll be right over,” they said after Jeffrey explained their problem. Coincidentally, they were twins.

8 Jeffrey already had an idea about how to separate the two penguins
Jeffrey already had an idea about how to separate the two penguins. Jeffrey instructed Howard and Terry to go to the middle of the cloud and wrap their tails around the midsections of Julius I and Julius II. Then on the count of three, the two dragons pulled apart as hard as they could. Soon the stardust began to stretch and stretch until it finally snapped in the middle. The two Julius’s were free!

9 The two Julius’s decided that it would be safer if they weren’t around each other anymore. So all the penguins and dragons gathered at the end of the cloud town and waved Julius II off. Then the dragons bid farewell and fly away as well. And all the flying animals of the sky lived happily ever after. Bye Julius!

10 Mitosis Representation in Story
Interphase-Penguins are cloned just as Chromatids are replicated. The sister Chromatids are represented by Julius the Penguin. (Interphase is not part of Mitosis) Prophase-The Penguins are tied together just as the sister Chromatids are connected at the centrospheres. Metaphase-The Penguins align in the middle of the cloud just as the sister Chromatids are aligned on the equator. Spindle fibers are also attached just like when the dragons wrapped their tails around the Penguins. Anaphase-The Dragons pull to separate the Penguins just as the Spindle fibers pull apart the two sister Chromatids. The Dragons were centrioles and the tails represented the spindle fibers. Telophase-The Penguins are separated and the Dragons fly away just as the sister Chromatids are pulled apart and the spindle fibers return to microtubules.

11 Bibliography for All Pictures

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