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Professor: Nicholas Anderson

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1 Professor: Nicholas Anderson
ENC1930-u6M Professor: Nicholas Anderson

2 Today’s Goals: Introduce students & class goals
Reflect on past experiences with media Discuss expectations of class blog

3 Important course Policies
Please use your phones or computers to access the class syllabus at This course will require reliable access to a computer with internet access. The computer labs at FIU can be used to fulfill this requirement if necessary. You will be required to maintain an online journal/blog of your research developments and writing Computer use in class is a privilege. If this becomes a distraction to students, that privilege will be revoked Missing more than 6 classes will result in automatic failure of the course as per departmental policy Failure to turn in one of the four major essays will result in automatic failure of the course

4 Our class vs. other ENC1930 classes
Smaller class size and increased individual conferences and tutoring You are in control of the format and pacing of the class We will be incorporating digital media and writing into the course Extensive use of Socratic method Informal atmosphere We will discuss grammar while most other 1930 classes will not All of your feedback will be appreciate and considered for future coursework

5 Introduce Yourself Name Intended major Where you are from
What languages you speak At what age did you start learning English Hobbies or something that interests you

6 Class discussion- past experiences with media
What are some current events that have happened in the past week? Over the summer? This year? Where did you hear about these events?

7 According to studies conducted by Pew Research, 81% of Americans get their news digitally: from websites, aps, or social media Source: american-gets-their-news/490244/ This shows a recent and drastic change! In 2014, television was still where the majority of Americans acquired their news, according to the American Press Institute Source: americans-get-news/

8 Class discussion- past experiences with media
What does this change imply for you as a college student and a writer? What types of media do you use on a daily basis? A weekly basis? Which of these is most important for acquiring news or information? Have you ever encountered fake news or information on social media? How can we use media responsibly for research or schoolwork? How is writing different with digital media? Social media?

9 Class discussion- media
The plural of medium. Medium -an intervening agency, means, or instrument by which something is conveyed or accomplished; or the means or channels of general communication, information, or entertainment in society, as newspapers, radio, or television. the main means of mass communication (especially television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet) regarded collectively.

10 Class discussion- media
Print Media Newspapers Magazines Books Broadcast Media Television Radio Digital Media Social media Websites Web articles Podcasts Vlogs Video games

11 Group Formation Spend the next five minutes forming your unit 1 groups
Groups should be composed of approximately 3 students You are encouraged to group up with people that have similar interests or majors Groups are not permanent and will be changed every unit

12 Group activity: past experiences with media
In your newly formed groups (we will use these groups throughout unit 1) Share your experiences with media Answer the following questions: Where does each of your group members get most of their news? (Be specific here and give the name of an example website, social media, app, television show, or newspaper) What social media sites do you use in your group? What is one example of how media has impacted your life significantly? What kind of impact do you think digital media has on our language and writing abilities? Make sure to turn in one sheet of paper that includes the names of your group members, your group number, and a written answer to all of the questions

13 Journal/Blog Entry Instructions
For this class, you will be required to maintain an online blog or journal: You may select the social media website of your choosing to maintain this blog, as long as it allows for large text entries and is dedicated to this class Tumblr or Wordpress are easy to use and are recommended if you do not have a preference Twitter is not an option due to its character limit This blog should be dedicated to our class and is not a place for selfies or other personal materials All journal entries will include a topic to focus on as well as several questions. The questions are there to guide your entry but you are not required to answer all of them as long as you stay on the topic of the entry Unless otherwise noted, always answer blogs in essay form rather than individual answers to questions

14 Journal/Blog Entry Instructions
All journal entries should be 100+ words and appropriately labelled with the entry number. Your blogs will NEVER have points deduced for grammar or spelling errors Blog entries will be done for homework as well as in class. The entries written in class will not be collected. Instead, it is your responsibility to upload these to your blog From time to time you will be asked to read and evaluate entries from your classmates’ blogs, so make sure your entries do not contain information you are uncomfortable with others reading

15 blog entry 1 Prompt: What is the most significant way that media has impacted your life? Take a few minutes to think back and reflect on how media has impacted your life. Try to identify one (or a few) source of media that has impacted you the most. This could be a television show that inspired you to a career or even a social media site that you use to stay connected with friends and family. You may wish to consider: What effect did this media have on your life? How did you come across this media? Do you still interact with it today? What would have happened if this media was never a part of your life? How will this experience affect you in the future?

16 Homework Review class syllabus
Obtain class textbook: The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing 6th Ed., by Ramage, Bean, & Johnson, published by Pearson ISBN: Create your class blog and submit the URL via Note: We will spend time working on this in EGL during Tuesday’s class

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