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Presentation on theme: "WHY DO WE KEEP ASKING YOU TO SPEAK?"— Presentation transcript:

Denver SQL User Group, April 2018

2 Public Speaking is Good For You
It increases professional opportunities: Fear of public speaking has a 10% impairment on your wages and 15% impairment on your promotion ( It increases your knowledge: You have to know a topic well to explain it to others It provides opportunities to meet new people It can lead to new business opportunities

3 Informal Twitter Poll

4 Speaking Is Hard Estimates of prep time range between 10 times the length of your presentation (60 minutes = 10 hours of prep) and one hour for every minute of presentation (60 minutes = 60 hours). Speaking is scary. Glossophobia is one of the most common fears in the US. We don’t feel qualified, or we are worried people won’t like us.

5 Bad/Embarrassing Things Might Happen
Things that have happened to us while speaking: Lots of equipment failure, especially related to projectors (not connecting, dying, exploding, losing color) Demo failures Low attendance/attendees leaving in the beginning/middle Audience members fell asleep Time management failure No internet access when needed Finding out presentation info was wrong Audience member derailed the talk with too many/off topic questions/comments Extreme nervousness/stress/excitement Feature change/deprecation right before presentation Losing voice before/during presentation Mid-talk bathroom break

6 Preparation Can Overcome Bad Things
Things that have happened to us while speaking: Lots of equipment failure, especially related to projectors (not connecting, dying, exploding, losing color) Bring backups of materials and hardware Demo failures Practice, record demos and keep videos for backups Low attendance/attendees leaving in the beginning/middle Audience members fell asleep Time management failure Practice No internet access when needed – Bring alternate connectivity or record demos Finding out presentation info was wrong Research, have friends review materials An audience member derailed the talk with too many/off topic questions/comments – Practice audience management Extreme nervousness/stress/excitement Practice/meditation Feature change/deprecation right before presentation Losing voice before/during presentation Rest/water/lossenges Mid-talk bathroom break

7 Meagan’s Story Attended PASS Summit and SQL Rally Dallas
Met Bill Fellows and Bill Graziano. Volunteered to help organize SQLSaturday Kansas City No one was talking about reporting, so I threw my hat in the ring I spoke, and I enjoyed it. Then I did it again, and again, and again… I have gained personal friends as new colleagues through speaking. I didn’t have much of an interview with BlueGranite because several people already knew me Worst thing: Had a projector overheat and had t change rooms

8 Kellyn’s Story Wanted to speak to overcome getting tongue-tied in meetings and presentations. Was asked to share some key findings from my blog. Spoke at the local Oracle user group. I'm more comfortable in meetings and presenting.  It creates an opportunity to network with the professional community.  I haven't had to do much other than the important aspects of interviewing for positions and haven't had to pursue jobs for years now.  The jobs seem to come to me due to my online and professional brand. Worst thing: Intimidated by someone I looked up to, forgot my talking points, and finished too early.

9 Marc’s Story I started speaking out of a desire to challenge myself and improve my public speaking skills. One of my first presentations was an 8 minute lightning talk on Change Data Capture which was incredibly nerve wrecking and forgot ½ of my talking points that I wanted to share.  Since then, I’ve delivered hundreds of formal and informal presentations. My presentation skills have improved considerably. It’s opened to doors professionally where I’ve been offered different jobs and consulting opportunities. Worst thing: Co-presenting without much time to coordinate caused some talking points to be left out

10 Join Us We want you to realize the benefits we have seen.
There is room for everyone. You work through the bad stuff, learning how to better prepare or simply getting through the things you can’t control. to claim a speaking spot in a future meeting! We can help with choosing your topic and building your presentation.


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