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Control Aspects Related to Positioning and Motion Damping of Large-Scale Interconnected Marine Structures Asgeir J. Sørensen Centre for Ships and Ocean.

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Presentation on theme: "Control Aspects Related to Positioning and Motion Damping of Large-Scale Interconnected Marine Structures Asgeir J. Sørensen Centre for Ships and Ocean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Control Aspects Related to Positioning and Motion Damping of Large-Scale Interconnected Marine Structures Asgeir J. Sørensen Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures, NTNU Workshop on Very Large Floating Structures, October 28-29, 2004, Trondheim, Norway

2 Outline Background Terms and Definitions Control strategies Examples
Locally Multiobjective H2 and H∞ Control of Large-scale Interconnected Marine Structures Modelling and Control of Single Point Moored Interconnected Structures Floating LNG Barge Conclusions References

3 Background (1) Control of structures: active field since 1980s
Several disciplines involved Material technology Fluid mechanics Signal processing and control engineering Computer science Engineering fields Aerospace (e.g. low weight, high reliability, large variations in temperature) Civil engineering (e.g. earth quake resistance) Automotive Marine technology?

4 Background (2) Definitions and terminology varies based on “traditions” within each engineering field Enabling technologies are: Materials Sensors and actuators Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) + nano technology Communication technology Computer science Process insight (e.g. hydrodynamics, structural mechanics)

5 Definitions (1) Many terms: Classification dependent on: Size:
Active, sensing, adaptive, smart, intelligent, controlled, modern, biological materials Systems, structures and materials Classification dependent on: Sensors Actuators Control distribution Control strategy Process Learning ability Size: Large-scale structures Hinged structures Hydroelastic structures Crawley, 1994: Structural control

6 Definitions (2) Boller, 1996: Crawley, 1994:

7 Definitions (3) Controllable Fluids: Tensegrity Structures
Preumont, 2002: Smart structures with various sensors and actuators Controllable Fluids: Electro-rheological (ER) Magneto-rheological (MR) Tensegrity Structures SMA- Shape Memory Alloys Piezoelectric materials Skelton, 2001: Snelson’s tensegrity structures

8 Our Definitions (1) Conventional structure is defined as structure without any control and monitoring Monitored structure is defined as structure equipped with one or more sensors. Hence, state or condition of the structure is monitored, but no control actions will be taken. Passive controlled structure is defined as structure equipped with both sensor(s) and actuator(s).

9 Our Definitions (2) Active controlled structure includes automatic control. Hence, the resulting structure consists of sensor(s), actuator(s) and controller. The more joints with these properties in the structure, the higher distribution or resolution of control. Smart or intelligent structure is defined as structure consisting of sensors, actuators and control with a high degree of distribution or resolution.

10 Our Definitions (3) Rustad, 2004: Proposed definitions

11 Marine Applications Floating platforms Sea farming Airfields Cities
Oil installations

12 Two Model Classes Process Plant Model (PPM):
Comprehensive description of the actual process. The main purpose of this model is to simulate the real plant dynamics. The process plant model may be used in numerical performance and robustness analysis of the control systems. Control Plant Model (CPM): Simplified mathematical description containing only the main physical properties of the process. This model may constitute a part of the observer and controller, e.g. LQG, H2/H∞, nonlinear feedback linearization controllers, back-stepping controllers, etc. The control plant model is also used in analytical stability analysis, e.g. Lyapunov stability.

13 Control Structure Office Systems Business enterprise/ Fleet management
Office Network Ship 3: Ship 2: Ship 1: Operational management Real-Time Control Local optimization (min-hour) Control layers Fault-Tolerant Control High level (0.1-5 s) Plant control Real-Time Network Low level ( s) Actuator control

14 Control Strategies and Challenges
Marine environment Large forces in harsh environment Safety versus performance Local or central control Flexibility in operation Dependencies Optimized control Control objectives Sustainability wrt. fatigue and maximum loadings Motion damping Configuration control and positioning Control strategies: Model-based control Passivity-based control Multi-objective control Controller #1 Controller #2 Controller #3 Controller #4 Localized versus Centralized control Controller

15 Example 1: Dynamic Positioning and Motion Damping
Hydrodynamic coupling between: Surge, heave and pitch Sway, roll and yaw Geometrical coupling by thruster configuration and suspension joints Control objectives: Dynamic positioning (DP) in surge, sway and yaw Motion damping in heave, roll and yaw Locally multiobjective H2 and H with pole constraint using LMI optimization, Ref. Scherer, Gahinet and Chilali

16 Process Plant Model Nonlinear 6N DOF low-frequency model - surge, sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw where

17 Suspension Joints (1) Earth-fixed position and velocity of suspension joint ij Restoring and damping forces between unit i joint j and unit k=i+1 joint l Resulting suspension joint force and moment vector for unit i

18 Suspension Joints (2) Assuming small angles such that
Linear suspension joint model where

19 Control Plant Model Linear vessel dynamics where State space model

20 Controller Design Plant State-feedback controller Closed-loop system

21 Controller Design Control objective: minimize the sum
for some weights c1, c2 > 0 subject to Q=QT>0 and feasibility of the LMIs which ensures an H gain from w to z below , and which ensures an H2 gain from w to z2 below 

22 Simulation Study Main dimensions for each unit:
Three interconnected units coupled by suspension joints at each corner on the deck Each unit equipped with 4 azimuthing thrusters each able to produce 200 kN Main dimensions for each unit: Mass = 4388 tons Length = 50 m Breadth = 45 m Draft = 15 m

23 Earth-Fixed Positions and Angels, Unit 1
Controller: 3 DOF (green) 6DOF (red) Environmental load: Current = 1 m/s

24 Power Spectrum of Pitch Angle
Controller: 3 DOF (blue) 6DOF (red)

25 Example 2: Control of Single- Point Moored Structures
First module connected to the seabed through a spread mooring system

26 Simulation Study Five modules connected together and to the sea bed via a spread mooring system Exposed to slowly varying tidal with high eccentricity Maximum allowed deviation of module 1 from the origin is set to 28 meters

27 Simulation Results (1) Comparison between open loop and closed loop deviation from the origin Open loop Closed loop Extreme travel reduced with approximately 20 meters

28 Simulation Results (2) Stress on the mooring lines Peaks removed.
Increasing operational safety. Solid: controlled Dotted: open loop

29 Statoil: Floating Liquid Natural Gas

30 Conclusions Definitions related to control of structures are reviewed
Based on own experience from marine control systems another definition related to control of structures is proposed Control challenges are briefly mentioned Three examples on control of large-scale interconnected structures are shown

31 Some References Berntsen, P. I. B, O. M. Aamo and A. J. Sørensen (2003). Modelling and Control of Single Point Moored Interconnected Structures. In Proceedings of 6th Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Crafts (MCMC2003), September 16-19, Girona, Spain. Boller, C. (1996). Intelligent Materials and Systems as a Basis for Innovative Technologies in Transportation Vehicles. In: the third ICIM/ECSSM’96. Lyon, France Crawley, E. .F. (1994). Intelligent Structures for Aerospace: A technology Overview and Assessment. AIAA Journal 32 (8). Joshi, S. M (1989). Control of Large Flexible Space Structures. Springer, Berlin, Germany. Rustad, A. M. (2004). Motion Damping Control of a Heat Exchanger on a Floating Barge. Master Thesis, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU, Norway. Skelton, R. E., R. Adhikari, J.-P. Pinaud, W. Chan and J. W. Helton (2001). An Introduction to the Mechanics of Tensegrity Structures. In: Proc. Of the 40th IEEE CDC, Florida, USA. Sørensen, A. J., K.-P. W. Lindegaard and E. D. D. Hansen (2002). Locally Multiobjective H2 and Hinf Control of Large-scale Interconnected Marine Structures. In Proceedings of CDC'02, 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, US.

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