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Science Starter Begin a new unit in notebook, UNIT 4:WATER

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Presentation on theme: "Science Starter Begin a new unit in notebook, UNIT 4:WATER"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Starter Begin a new unit in notebook, UNIT 4:WATER Answer the following on a new page What do you do when you’re thirsty and you want some water? Is this the same for everyone around the world? 2) Do you think that the majority of the Earth contains usable water? Explain why or why not.

2 How much of the earth is covered in water?
Do Now Topic: The Water Cycle Objective: How does water move through the atmosphere and lithosphere in a cycle? How much of the earth is covered in water? Is that water reusable? If so for how long? Where does the water you drink come from? What defines a cycle? Identify at least 3 characteristics that define a cycle.

3 Title your notes! The Water Cycle Date: 10/28

4 Lesson Essential Question
What is the connection between ground water and surface water?

5 The Water Cycle aka the HYDROLOGIC cycle Hydro=water Logic= the study of, having to do with the process by which water circulates between the atmosphere and the lithosphere driven by the sun

6 How much of this can plants, animals, and humans use?

7 Which type of water is majority of the world made up of and how much of the world (percentage) is made up of this type of water?

8 What percent of Earth’s water is freshwater
What percent of Earth’s water is freshwater? Where is most of this water found?

9 Less than 1% of Earth’s water supply
is ready for human use

10 CYCLES What is a cycle? A cycle is a repeating event or process
What are some cycles in our lives? What cycles have we learned about this semester?

11 Water Cycle Rap Watch & Listen to the video while you take notes on your handouts about what you see and hear

12 Be able to label numbers 1-6!
Stations Activity DIRECTIONS: Write down the definition of each of the parts of the water cycle AND a drawing to represent that step 2. 1. Be able to label numbers 1-6! 3. 4. precipitation condensation transpiration evaporation infiltration runoff 5. 6.

13 WATER CYCLE The sun provides all of the energy that drives the water cycle. As a result of the water cycle, water constantly moves among the oceans, the atmosphere, the solid Earth, and the biosphere. This unending circulation of Earth’s water supply is the water cycle.

14 EVAPORATION The sun heats up water molecules. They then rise into the atmosphere.

15 CONDENSATION As the water molecules rise, they become cooler, and condense to make clouds.

16 PRECIPITATION Eventually gravity makes the water molecules fall back to earth as precipitation.

17 INFILTRATION Once the water reaches earth’s surface, gravity forces the water to sink into the soil, called infiltration.

18 TRANSPIRATION Just like us, plants sweat. The loss of water from plants leaves, stems and roots is called transpiration.

19 RUNOFF If water cannot sink into the soil, it will move downhill across the land, in a process called runoff.

20 Application Questions
When you are done with the vocabulary, answer the questions on the back of your handout These questions should be answered in complete sentences Talk with your group about questions you are struggling with!

21 WATER CYCLE BALANCE How does the law of conservation of matter relate to the water cycle? Water is never created or destroyed. It just cycles through different forms.

22 WATER CYCLE BALANCE Because water is never created or destroyed, the water cycle is balanced. Balance in the water cycle means that the average annual precipitation over Earth equals the amount of water that evaporates

23 WATER CYCLE BALANCE There are local imbalances
Ex: over the ocean, more water evaporates than precipitates Ex: over land, more water precipitates than evaporates

24 EXIT TICKET What process is directly responsible for the formation of clouds? What is infiltration? Sometimes, water that lands on the street picks up oil and other trash and carries this to a storm drain, where it is dumped into our rivers. The rivers move across the surface of the Earth until they reach the ocean. What process of the water cycle is responsible for the movement of this pollution? On a farm, gasoline was being stored in a large container. The container broke, and gasoline leaked out onto the land. Should the farmer be concerned about gasoline getting into his well? Why or why not?

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