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Requirements Engineering

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1 Requirements Engineering

2 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Tutorial outline Requirements engineering Basic concepts Requirements engineering process for ARENA REQuest: Live Demonstration REQuest: Guidelines Summary & next steps Another interesting issue with finding objects is to define which objects are inside the application domain and which ones are outside of it. Sometimes it helps you to get a clearer understanding of the overall system. Look at the figure in this slide. What does it show? A bunch of black and white dots? Given that I will tell you that it contains a system (that is an object model can be found) how would you start with looking for objects? Turn the slide around. Turn it upside down. Look at the “problem domain” from all angles. And suddenly you might experience what I would call the “gestalt experience”. You will see the application domain. Now there is no recipe for finding it. You might find a very low level object, such as an ear or you might find a high level object such as the shape of a dog. In fact, if you look carefully you will find a dalmatian dog. Once you understand that you are looking at a dog, a lot of the black and white pixels in the total figure are not part of your system and you can easily find the boundary of the system by trying to trace the outline of the Dalmatian. However, don’t be lured into thinking that this is the system you have been looking for. Always be alert that the real system might be something totally different. For example, if you turn the dog upside down, you might be able to see an eagle taking off from a river, with a poor dead victim in its claws! January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

3 Problem Lifecycle of a software project
1.The client’s needs 2. Requirements Analysis 3. After system design 4. After implementation Clients and developers often have different backgrounds and “speak another language” Requirements have to be fulfilled to make a project successful January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

4 Solution Requirements Engineering Clients Developers
Analysis Document Requirements Engineering Clients Developers Requirements Analysis Review … can solve the communication problem … January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

5 Requirements Engineering
Application Domain Objects Subsystems class... Solution Domain Source Code Test Cases ? Expressed in Terms Of Structured By Implemented By Realized By Verified System Design Object Implemen- tation Testing class.... Requirements Elicitation Use Case Model Analysis A requirement is a feature that the system must have or a constraint that it must satisfy to be accepted by the client. January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

6 Requirements Analysis Document
A RAD includes 3 descriptions: Requirements Elicitation: Use case model Requirements: What do users do? Interactions: How do users use the system? Requirements elicitation => output: specification that the client understands Analysis => output: model that the developers can interpret Analysis: Requirements analysis model (object model) Specification: What does the system do? January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

7 RAD: Levels of descriptions
User tasks describe domain Le v el 2 el 1 el 3 el 4 Use Cases describe interactions Services describe system January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

8 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Tutorial outline Requirements engineering Basic concepts Requirements engineering process for ARENA REQuest: Live Demonstration REQuest: Guidelines Summary & next steps Another interesting issue with finding objects is to define which objects are inside the application domain and which ones are outside of it. Sometimes it helps you to get a clearer understanding of the overall system. Look at the figure in this slide. What does it show? A bunch of black and white dots? Given that I will tell you that it contains a system (that is an object model can be found) how would you start with looking for objects? Turn the slide around. Turn it upside down. Look at the “problem domain” from all angles. And suddenly you might experience what I would call the “gestalt experience”. You will see the application domain. Now there is no recipe for finding it. You might find a very low level object, such as an ear or you might find a high level object such as the shape of a dog. In fact, if you look carefully you will find a dalmatian dog. Once you understand that you are looking at a dog, a lot of the black and white pixels in the total figure are not part of your system and you can easily find the boundary of the system by trying to trace the outline of the Dalmatian. However, don’t be lured into thinking that this is the system you have been looking for. Always be alert that the real system might be something totally different. For example, if you turn the dog upside down, you might be able to see an eagle taking off from a river, with a poor dead victim in its claws! January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

9 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Process for ARENA (1) REQuest for the requirements specification Web-based tool Actors, User Tasks, Use Cases, & Services Constraints & Glossary REQuest for review and negotiation Questions, Options, Criteria, Assessments Discussion What’s new, what’s revised, conflict detection January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

10 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Process for ARENA (2) Instructors/coaches Oct 23: RAD v.0 from coaches Actors, user tasks & use cases Nov 3: Feedback from coaches Nov 6: Requirements review Teams Before Oct 31: Questions to coaches Oct 31: RAD v.1 due Use cases, Services, Constraints Glossary Nov 6: RAD v.2 due Options, assessments Decisions Revised requirements elements Analysis Object Models and sequence diagrams (Together) January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

11 Requirements elicitation activities (1)
Define the boundary of the system: Identify and describe actors Define the needs of the user Describe one or more user tasks per actor Describe the interactions between the actors and the system Describe one or more use cases per user task Exceptions & nonfunctional constraints January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

12 Requirements elicitation activities (2)
Describe the functionality of the system Identify all services needed to realize the use cases Each use case uses one or more services Each service can be used by one or more use cases Review the system specification with the client January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

13 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Tutorial outline Requirements engineering Basic concepts Requirements engineering process for ARENA REQuest: Live Demonstration REQuest: Guidelines Summary & next steps Another interesting issue with finding objects is to define which objects are inside the application domain and which ones are outside of it. Sometimes it helps you to get a clearer understanding of the overall system. Look at the figure in this slide. What does it show? A bunch of black and white dots? Given that I will tell you that it contains a system (that is an object model can be found) how would you start with looking for objects? Turn the slide around. Turn it upside down. Look at the “problem domain” from all angles. And suddenly you might experience what I would call the “gestalt experience”. You will see the application domain. Now there is no recipe for finding it. You might find a very low level object, such as an ear or you might find a high level object such as the shape of a dog. In fact, if you look carefully you will find a dalmatian dog. Once you understand that you are looking at a dog, a lot of the black and white pixels in the total figure are not part of your system and you can easily find the boundary of the system by trying to trace the outline of the Dalmatian. However, don’t be lured into thinking that this is the system you have been looking for. Always be alert that the real system might be something totally different. For example, if you turn the dog upside down, you might be able to see an eagle taking off from a river, with a poor dead victim in its claws! January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

14 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Live Demonstration First step: login to REQuest January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

15 Requirements: What do users do? (1)
Player Brief high-level descriptions Actors represent roles, that is, a type of user of the system Player User tasks represent activities accomplished by the user, independently of the system. Accomplish Mission Accomplish Mission January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

16 Requirements: What do users do? (2): Examples
Actor Player Person who is able to play one or more games. User Task Accomplish Mission The Player starts the game. The Player sets her/his preferences. The Player receives a certain mission. The Player completes the mission. January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

17 Specification (1) : What does the system do?
Use cases describe sequences of interactions between the actors and the system Services describe features provided by the system Start SWORD Complete description of the system including exceptions by developers Set mode Set restrictions Load character January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

18 Specification (2): Example of use case attributes
Use Case Start SWORD Initiatiating actor: Player Preconditions: Player has installed SWORD on her/his computer. Postconditions: Player is able to enter the game. January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

19 Specification (3): Example of use case flow of events
System steps Actor steps The Player double clicks the SWORD icon on her/his computer 2. SWORD asks for the preferred game mode 3. The Player chooses the stop-watch mode and sets a deadline 4. SWORD asks if the player wants to set any restrictions 5. The Player restricts the game to her/his buddy list 6. SWORD loads the Player’s character 7. The Player can enter the game January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

20 Specification (4): Example services
Service Set mode Inputs: one game mode and deadline Output: message asking for restrictions Service Set restrictions Input: one or more players (from menu) Output: message that restrictions are set January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

21 Specification (5): Exceptions
Actor steps The Player double clicks the SWORD icon on her/his computer. [invalid format] SWORD displays a message box and asks to use the valid format for setting deadlines. 3. The Player chooses the stop-watch mode and sets a deadline. [invalid format] [no buddy list defined] SWORD announces the failure and offers the possibility to set the buddy list now as well as canceling this step. If the Player chooses the first option, a window will pop up so that the Player can compile her/his buddy list. 5. The Player restricts the game to her/his buddy list. [no buddy list defined] 7. The Player can enter the game January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

22 Nonfunctional requirements
Domain constraints Domain facts Applicable to user tasks Global functional constraints Functionality that is easier to describe in terms of constraints Applicable to use cases Quality constraints Constraint on the attribute of a user task, use case, or service. January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

23 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Tutorial outline Requirements engineering Basic concepts Requirements engineering process for ARENA REQuest: Live Demonstration REQuest: Guidelines Summary & next steps Another interesting issue with finding objects is to define which objects are inside the application domain and which ones are outside of it. Sometimes it helps you to get a clearer understanding of the overall system. Look at the figure in this slide. What does it show? A bunch of black and white dots? Given that I will tell you that it contains a system (that is an object model can be found) how would you start with looking for objects? Turn the slide around. Turn it upside down. Look at the “problem domain” from all angles. And suddenly you might experience what I would call the “gestalt experience”. You will see the application domain. Now there is no recipe for finding it. You might find a very low level object, such as an ear or you might find a high level object such as the shape of a dog. In fact, if you look carefully you will find a dalmatian dog. Once you understand that you are looking at a dog, a lot of the black and white pixels in the total figure are not part of your system and you can easily find the boundary of the system by trying to trace the outline of the Dalmatian. However, don’t be lured into thinking that this is the system you have been looking for. Always be alert that the real system might be something totally different. For example, if you turn the dog upside down, you might be able to see an eagle taking off from a river, with a poor dead victim in its claws! January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

24 Guidelines for use cases (1)
Name Use a verb phrase to name the use case. The name should indicate what the user is trying to accomplish. Examples: “Request Meeting”, “Schedule Meeting” Length A use case should not exceed 2 A4 pages. If longer, use include relationships. A use case should describe a complete set of interactions. January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

25 Guidelines for use cases (2)
Flow of events The active voice should be used. Steps should start either with “The Actor …” or “The System …”. The causal relationship between the steps should be clear. All flow of events should be described (not only the main flow of event). The boundaries of the system should be clear. Components external to the system are described as such. Define important terms in the glossary. Negative example: The driver arrives at the parking gate, the driver receives a ticket from the distributor, the gate is opened, the driver drives through. January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

26 Guidelines for use cases (3)
Exceptions Exceptions should be attached to the step where they are detected. If an exception can occur in any step, describe it only in the exception section. Exception handling is described as flow of events. At the end of the exception handling, it should be clear what happens next (if the use case is terminated or if it is resumed in a particular step). Preconditions If a case is excluded with a precondition, then it should not be handled as an exception. January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

27 Guidelines for use cases (4)
Write one high-level use case per user task If a use case includes only one or two steps, it should probably be a service, not a use case. If a sequence of steps is identical in several use cases, it should be factored out into a separate use case and included in the original use cases (eliminate redundancy). <<user task>> <<use case>> January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

28 General guidelines: Use Rationale (1)
Question: Which restrictions are possible? References: Service: Set restrictions Decision: Buddy list + single persons Criteria 1: Flexibility Criteria 2: User Friendliness Opt. 1: Buddy list + Opt. 2: Single persons + Opt. 3: Buddy list + single persons + January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

29 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Use Rationale (2) Questions can be used to: Request a clarification How can a Player restrict a game to her/his buddy list? Indicate a defect Isn’t a second game mode missing? Justify a use case or Which solution is the best? service Questions are asked during review and consolidated into justifications during revisions. January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

30 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Tutorial outline Requirements engineering Basic concepts Requirements engineering process for ARENA REQuest: Live Demonstration REQuest: Guidelines Summary & next steps Another interesting issue with finding objects is to define which objects are inside the application domain and which ones are outside of it. Sometimes it helps you to get a clearer understanding of the overall system. Look at the figure in this slide. What does it show? A bunch of black and white dots? Given that I will tell you that it contains a system (that is an object model can be found) how would you start with looking for objects? Turn the slide around. Turn it upside down. Look at the “problem domain” from all angles. And suddenly you might experience what I would call the “gestalt experience”. You will see the application domain. Now there is no recipe for finding it. You might find a very low level object, such as an ear or you might find a high level object such as the shape of a dog. In fact, if you look carefully you will find a dalmatian dog. Once you understand that you are looking at a dog, a lot of the black and white pixels in the total figure are not part of your system and you can easily find the boundary of the system by trying to trace the outline of the Dalmatian. However, don’t be lured into thinking that this is the system you have been looking for. Always be alert that the real system might be something totally different. For example, if you turn the dog upside down, you might be able to see an eagle taking off from a river, with a poor dead victim in its claws! January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

31 Putting everything together
Q: Which restrictions are possible Set mode Set restrictions Load character Player Accomplish Mission Start Sword January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

32 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Summary REQuest supports Definition of requirements specification Questions about the requirements elements Discussion, negotiation, and resolution of questions Finding out what others have done ARENA deadlines RAD v.1 October 30 RAD v.2 November 6 January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

33 Important: Process for ARENA (1)
Instructors/coaches Oct 23: RAD v.0 from coaches Actors, user tasks & use cases Nov 3: Feedback from coaches Nov 6: Requirements review Teams Before Oct 31: Questions to coaches Oct 31: RAD v.1 due Use cases, Services, Constraints Glossary Nov 6: RAD v.2 due Options, assessments Decisions Revised requirements elements Analysis Object Models and sequence diagrams (Together) January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

34 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Next steps Meet with your development team as soon as possible Login to REQuest with your Lotus Notes account Add actors, use cases and services Discuss, negotiate and resolve questions Write one complete scenario per team (that is one possible example of the system in use) January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

35 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Further readings Bruegge B., Dutoit A.: Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Conquering Complex and Changing Systems, Prentice Hall, 2000 REQuest online help January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

36 Requirements Engineering Tutorial
Questions? January 1, 2019 Requirements Engineering Tutorial

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