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Scott McNeill. Parents play several roles in youth sport. The role of the parent is often expressed as a sport triangle, consisting of the child, parents.

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Presentation on theme: "Scott McNeill. Parents play several roles in youth sport. The role of the parent is often expressed as a sport triangle, consisting of the child, parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scott McNeill

2 Parents play several roles in youth sport. The role of the parent is often expressed as a sport triangle, consisting of the child, parents and the coach. (Singh, 2006)


4 Children rely on parent involvement Parents becoming a friend Parents being personally involved with the child

5 Parents willing to help with there children by coaching or evening being a friend.

6 Parents live trough there children Parents influence on children Parents give children to much pressure, for example stress.

7 Research indicates that children who experience greater parent pressure to participate were more likely to have pre- competition stress. (Kidman & Hanrahan, p188, 2004)

8 Getting too involved with a childs sport.

9 References Hanrahan, S. & Kidman, L. (2004) The Coaching Process. 1 Edn. [Online]. Available at: =frontcover&dq=the+coaching+process&ei=JlVKS4TmO5OCzA SD3LXyDQ&cd=1#v=onepage&q=&f=false (Accessed: 3 rd January 2010). Singh, P. (2006) The Involvement of Parents in Childrens Sport. [Online]. Available at: VEMENT.pdf (Accessed: 2 nd January 2010).

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