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Type 2 Diabetes Management:  Where Are We Heading in Our Efforts to Control CV Risk?

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Presentation on theme: "Type 2 Diabetes Management:  Where Are We Heading in Our Efforts to Control CV Risk?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Type 2 Diabetes Management:  Where Are We Heading in Our Efforts to Control CV Risk?


3 Introduction/Background

4 December 2008 FDA Guidance on Evaluating CV Risk in New Antidiabetic Therapies for T2DM

5 EMPA-REG Primary Outcome (3-Point MACE): CV Death, Nonfatal MI, or Nonfatal Stroke

6 EMPA-REG: Results for CV Death and HHF


8 CANVAS: CV Results

9 CANVAS: 2-Fold Increase in Risk for Amputation, Canagliflozin vs Placebo

10 CANVAS Results: Benefits and Risks

11 LEADER: Primary Outcome Liraglutide vs Placebo


13 SUSTAIN-6 (Semaglutide): Primary Outcome Results

14 CV Safety Trials for the Gliptins: High Expectations but Indifferent Results

15 SAVOR-TIMI 53 (Saxagliptin): HHF

16 What Explains the Macro- and Microvascular Improvements Observed in LEADER?

17 The Cardiorenal Axis: Hemodynamic Benefits Appear Important to SGLT2 Inhibitor Actions

18 Potential Mechanisms for CV Benefit Associated With Empagliflozin

19 The "Fuel Hypothesis" as Explanation of Empagliflozin's Cardiorenal Benefits

20 New Paradigm for Treating the Patient With Both T2DM and CVD

21 Benefit of Empagliflozin in Patients With HF?

22 Clear-Cut Clinical Roles for Empagliflozin and Liraglutide

23 Pharmacologic Therapy for T2DM: ADA 2018 Recommendations

24 Summary and Conclusions

25 Abbreviations

26 Abbreviations (cont)

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