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Desert Island: Can you Survive???

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1 Desert Island: Can you Survive???

2 Background: Your dream honeymoon vacation to Hawaii has taken a disastrous turn. Your plane has crashed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. You have scrambled onto a life-raft and have only room for two people. As you navigate the debris field strewn with wreckage and bodies, you notice an island in the far off distance. It will be impossible to swim that far. You manage to gather up all of the survivors and now must decide who you will take with you and who must die. Remember, there is only enough room for you and two other people and chances are you will be stuck on the island for an incredibly long time. The island will have everything you need for survival, assuming you (or your team-mates) have the ability to utilize them. Keep in mind that there are still rumored to be cannibals, pirates, and dragons (oh my!!!) out in the Pacific.

3 Choice 1: Your New Spouse
Your soul mate is good to look at, but otherwise useless in a survival situation. He/she once got lost in a parking lot for hours. She/he cannot hunt, cook, or do much manual labor. You love them, and your world revolves around them, but will you take them???

4 Choice 2: The Co-Pilot The co-pilot seems to be a fit lassie/lad. While you are not sure exactly what co-pilots are good for, most pilots tend to be fairly intelligent, have good hand-eye coordination, and have to be in excellent health. One more asset the co-pilot has is that he/she know exactly where you are. That could be useful information.

5 Choice 3: The Marine This guy/gal survived 5 tours in Afghanistan. This island should be a walk in the park for them. Furthermore, Marines tend to have some basic survival training and are well versed in armed and unarmed combat. Could be useful if you happen upon some cannibals out there.

6 Choice 4: The Superstar This person has been all over the news lately. Not only have they starred in more than 20 major motion pictures, they also have their own band and a couple of major awards. While you’re not sure whether they have any real-life skills (I think he/she played a doctor once), there will certainly be loads of people looking for this person.

7 Choice 5: The Construction Worker
If you’re going to survive out there, you’re going to need a place to live. Who better than the construction worker to help you out. This person will have some solid knowledge of how to build things that you will need on the island and also may be helpful in getting off the island.

8 Choice 6: The Engineer While their knowledge might not always be practical, engineers tend to be very adaptable and creative. Using the knowledge of the engineer, you could come up with some very advanced methods for survival. Hey, if you’re going to be stuck on an island, why not improve it to increase your standard of living.

9 Choice 7: The Doctor There will be injuries. There will be illnesses. The doctor can not only patch you up, they can probably ensure your survival in some extreme cases. While most doctors may not be survivalists by trade, the knowledge they possess can be the difference between life and death.

10 Choice 8: The Botanist/Herbalist
The plant expert was on the way to Hawaii for the annual Hibiscus Festival. Can you eat Hibiscus? This person is not just any botanist, however, they specialize in tropical plants. Who better to have on the island to help you with knowing what to eat and what not to eat?

11 Choice 9: The Hunter If you want that boar, you gotta kill that boar. The hunter can get the job done. This person’s ability with a weapon and snares can help to ensure your survival on the island. Alright vegans!!! Eat meat or die!!!!!

12 Choice 10: The Holy Person/Psychologist
Wow, you just played god and sentenced 8 people to certain death. Most of us would definitely have some emotional baggage. Who better to keep up morale on our long stay on the island than the Holy Person/Psychologist. Their devotion to god might just make that cruise ship appear for an unexpected stop.

13 The Assignment: Survive!!!
Seriously, though, Explain why you would pick the 2 people you would pick. Be thorough in your explanations. Explain why you would not take the other 8. Be thorough in your explanations. How is this a test of Intelligence/Cognitive Ability? What do you think your chances of survival are? Why? How might this also be a test of our EQ?

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