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Self-Management In A Dynamic Environment with Robyn Pearce CSP.

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Management In A Dynamic Environment with Robyn Pearce CSP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Management In A Dynamic Environment with Robyn Pearce CSP

2 The 4-Step Toolbar of Time 1. Self, Well-being, & Spirituality 2. Business & Career 3. Home & Family 4. Community & Humanity Effectiveness PLANNING & PRIORITISING BIG PICTURETIPS & TECHNIQUESSANITY GAPS Efficiency Focus, ClarityQuality of Life 1. Urgent vs Important 2. Proactive Focus 3. Weekly Planning 4. Daily Planning 1. The beach on a windy day 2. Reading to children 3. Your favourite sport 4. Takeaways & family time 5. A good movie 6. A Power Nap Examples: Learn how to control email - its addictive! Use computer shortcuts Improve delegation Get ready first

3 6 Self-Management Habits … of high-performing educators What they do that others dont

4 Habit 1. Clear decisive thinkers Maybe NoYes MaybeNoYes

5 Not Just For Appointments But ALSO a Planning Tool

6 Habit 2. What they DONT do is at least as important as what they DO do

7 Beware of unproductive meetings

8 Habit 3. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate!

9 What Am I Really Doing With My Time? Weekly Tasks (include things done less frequently) Hours I do Per Week Hours Someone Else Could Do

10 Think Laterally

11 Habit 4. Focus Fixes Time Thieves

12 How Good Are You At Multi-Tasking??

13 Courage and wisdom to seek the best advice Habit 5. Courage and wisdom to seek the best advice

14 Habit 6 – Efficient Environment Every Piece of Paper, Information or Equipment Lying Around Is A Symptom of a Decision Not Made OR An Action Not Completed!



17 Self-Management Becomes Much Easier – IF You Harness The Power of Time

18 For Further Help Check out the Resources at www.

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